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“Prevent bullying and peer violence in schools”- Peer Exchange with OECD and UNESCO

Steering committee members and research experts for the project "Prevent bullying and peer violence in schools" in Serbia attended a peer exchange on 5-7 June 2024 in Paris. The meeting brought together representatives from UNESCO and OECD as well as the Serbian Ministry of Education, the Institute for mental health, Education Quality and Evaluation, the Institute for Improvement of Education and national and international consultants with the primary aim to exchange views and experiences on research methodologies and findings related to bullying and peer violence in schools.

Key topics of discussion included the use of technology in education through the lenses of relevance, equity, scalability, and sustainability as well as child participation, empowerment and well-being, pivotal elements in combating bullying and peer violence.

Participants emphasised the importance of child participation in creating a safe and supportive school environment. By integrating insights and expertise from UNESCO’s experience in promoting educational policies that foster a safe and inclusive learning environment and the OECD’s data-driven approach to educational research and policy development, the methodology for carrying out a baseline research on bullying and peer violence in schools in Serbia was improved and adapted, ensuring it is well-informed and highly effective to address the specific needs and challenges faced by students in Serbia.

The meeting concluded with participants underscoring the importance of international cooperation in addressing these critical issues and committing to fostering a safe and nurturing educational environments where students can thrive without fear of bullying or violence.

This Project is implemented by the Council of Europe and funded by Germany. It is implemented in co-operation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia from January 2024 to December 2025. To learn more about the project, visit the project’s webpage.



Paris, France 5-7 June 2024
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