Back Call for projects 2023 - Deadline: 26 February 2023

Lisbon Recognition Convention Implementation Project - support for ENIC Centres
Call for projects 2023 - Deadline: 26 February 2023

The Council of Europe Education Department is launching a call for proposals to foster the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, which is central to ensuring efficient recognition of qualifications in the European Higher Education Area.

The Grants scheme aims to support ENIC Centres from the countries involved in the Council of Europe Education Programme and the Steering Committee for Education, which are not eligible for the European Commission NARIC call for proposals (i.e. Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Holy See, Kazakhstan, Monaco, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, San Marino, Ukraine, United Kingdom) to formulate proposals aimed at contributing to the goals of the ENIC network and promoting co-operation and mobility in the field of education, especially by striving for ensuring the recognition of higher education qualifications in fair, transparent and non-discriminatory matter.

To this end, the Grants scheme invites project proposals which:

a)           Substantially enhance the quality and effectiveness of the ENIC centres in line with the recommendations of the 2nd monitoring report of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (in particular, linked to information provision, transnational education, automatic recognition and digital solutions);

b)          Contribute to the implementation of Article 7 of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (recognition of qualifications held by refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situations);

c)           Support the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec (2022) 18 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering education fraud.


The grants will fund projects activities may include:

-guidelines and tools;

-information and dissemination activities at national or regional level ;

-studies and reports;

-promotion, translation and adaptation of Council of Europe and UNESCO materials;

-focus group meetings; national training activities;

-website translations in other languages and web information improvement.

The above list is not exhaustive, and applicants may propose to undertake other relevant actions, while keeping in mind the general objective of the Project.


  • The Application form completed and signed, together with the supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (preferably Word and PDF) – via e-procurement (offer created inside the tool and submitted before the deadline) – see Appendix I.


  • Estimated budget completed and signed must be submitted in electronic form (Excel) – see Appendix II.
  • List of projects that the applicant implemented in the area of recognition of qualifications, if any
  • List of team members involved in the activity with their CVs

The deadline for the submission of applications 26 February 2023 (by 16h00 CET).

Applications received after the above-mentioned date will not be considered.

Other questions regarding this specific tendering procedure shall be sent at the latest by one week before the deadline for submissions of tenders, in [English or French], and shall be exclusively sent via the Message functionality inside e-procurement. This Message functionality should be used for questions only. This functionality should also not be used to submit an offer.

APPENDICES for proposals:

Strasbourg 3 February 2023
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