Back Declaration adopted by the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee on the restriction of the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus

Declaration adopted by the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee on the restriction of the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus

At its extraordinary session held on the 28 February 2023 in Paris, the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee, following  the decisions of 30 June and 5 October 2022 by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus in open conventions, adopted the following declaration:

“The Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region:

Considering that the Lisbon Recognition Convention in its Preamble states that “the right to education is a human right” and “that higher education should play a vital role in promoting peace, mutual understanding and tolerance, and in creating mutual confidence among peoples and nations”;

Considering the consequences of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, with the involvement of Belarus, for the continuity of education of children and young people in Ukraine or displaced in the neighbouring countries, as well as the impact of population displacement on the education systems of the countries hosting refugees from Ukraine;

Having taken note of Resolution CM/Res(2022)2 on the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe (adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 16 March 2022 at the 1428ter meeting of the Ministers' Deputies);

Recalling the UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/1 of 2 March 2022 on the aggression against Ukraine and the UNESCO Executive Board Decision 7 X/EX/Decision 2 adopted at its 7th Special Session on 15-16 March 2022 on the impact and consequences of the current situation in Ukraine in all aspects of UNESCO’s mandate;

Welcoming the Statement on the educational consequences of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine adopted by the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Education (17 March 2022);

Welcoming the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) Statement on the consequences of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and the suspension of the rights of participation in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) of the Russian Federation and Belarus;

Emphasising that the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (1997) reminds us that the right to education is a human right, and that higher education, which is instrumental in the pursuit and advancement of knowledge, constitutes an exceptionally rich cultural and scientific asset for both individuals and society;

in doing so, the Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Condemns in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine and the involvement of Belarus in this war, which grossly violates international law and the UN Charter and undermines international security and stability;

Expresses its deepest concern about the flagrant jeopardising of the right to education by the aggression of the Russian Federation, with the destruction of schools, universities and other educational institutions in Ukraine;

Confirms its full support to Ukraine and expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people, higher education institutions, scholars, researchers, students and holders of Ukrainian degrees;

Extends its gratitude to all States Parties, which have welcomed and provided support to the Ukrainian refugees, particularly those neighbouring Ukraine;

Resolves that no candidates from the Russian Federation or Belarus will be elected as a Bureau member, Chair or Vice-Chair, or a chair of any group of experts or working group, and neither will any representative of the Russian Federation or Belarus be entrusted with any task of rapporteur or coordinator, or tasked with representing the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee in any circumstances as a result of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, with the involvement of Belarus, until reconsidered;

Advises the Secretariats, Council of Europe and UNESCO, of the restriction of the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus representatives in the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee meetings as a result of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, with the involvement of Belarus, until reconsidered1;

Invites all the Parties to give further consideration to the steps that the Committee could take to restrict the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus and representatives in the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee meetings and in any activities and structures related to the Lisbon Recognition Convention, including, as necessary, amendments to the Rules of Procedure, taking into account the subject and regime of the Convention as well as international law.”

1 Pending on a decision of the LRC Committee concerning the revision of the Rules of Procedures  

Strasbourg 2 March 2023
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