Back EduTalks@Council of Europe – Stepping up student and staff mobility through better implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention

EduTalks@Council of Europe – Stepping up student and staff mobility through better implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention

On 30 May 2023, the Council of Europe organised EduTalks@CoE. In the course of one hour the participants had a chance to learn more on the main conclusions of the second monitoring report on the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

In the round table discussion moderated by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, the members of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Bureau and the ENIC President answered the following questions: 

  • The monitoring report mentions that the right of appeal is implemented in all countries of the LRC. Does this mean that there is no room for improvement?
  • What are the main steps in improving the information provision? 
  • How can we protect our students from the degree mills? Are transnational education institutions trustworthy?
  • How is automatic recognition related to the Lisbon Recognition Convention? 
  • What will the ENIC-NARIC networks do to bring forward the recommendations of the monitoring report?   
  • What is the relation between the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Global Convention? 

If you missed this event, you can watch the video recording



Panelists’ biographies

Online 30 May 2023
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