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EduTalks@Council of Europe: Video Games and Sustainable Development Goals

  Find below the video of the session!


The Council of Europe's Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) concept considers video games as an educational tool to provoke critical thinking, promote learning and the development of the person. The objective of DCE is that of promoting a Video Game Culture to go beyond the stereotype of games as a mere form of entertainment, but rather considers them as a complex medium offering numerous opportunities of reflection around subjects of social interest.

Our previous EduTalk, which took place on June 20, focused on the use of video games to foster understanding about the topics of migrancy, refugees and citizenship representation.

"Video Games and Sustainable Development Goals" explored how video games can also be used to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The speakers, Claudia Molinari, Ivan Blečić and Paolo Pedercini discussed about examples of social games (such as, “Green New Deal simulation”), the challenges and dilemmas of making accessible games about complex social issues, and the use of games to encourage exploration of urban environments.


 Download here the abstracts and bios of our speakers

For more information: Download “Educating for a Video Game Culture – A Map for Teachers and Parents” and visit the DCE video game culture webpage



Online 17 October 2023
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