Being responsible is at the core of the Council of Europe’s Reference framework of competences for democratic culture: It involves being reflective about one’s actions, forming intentions about how to act in a morally appropriate way, conscientiously performing those actions and holding oneself accountable for the outcomes of those actions. Having in mind 40 new schools that are working on the competences in accordance with the Framework without neglecting their professional developement, the Quality Education for All action in Serbia organised online webinars from 29 June - 2 July 2020.
More than 150 teachers and education specialists joined the online training sessions to get further details on the Framework and its components. Moreover, as this was not their first encounter with the concept of competences for democratic culture, the participants had an opportunity to learn about the experiences of other schools and obtain material to help them create effective strategies for practical work with their students, colleagues, students’ parents and local community members.
The 8 webinars marked the end of a turbulent school year filled with disruptions and uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, despite all of this, the optimism has never been lost and everyone is eager to return to their schools and continue with the important work that, in essence, never actually stopped.
The action “Quality education for all” is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022“.