Back Panel Discussion on Integrating Belarusian Children and Promoting Belarus Academia in Exile

Panel Discussion on Integrating Belarusian Children and Promoting Belarus Academia in Exile

Today, a panel discussion took place as part of the high-level conference "The Luxembourg Solutions" organised by the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The session, titled "Access to Education" focused on the integration of Belarusian children into host countries’ school systems and the promotion of Belarusian academia in exile.

The panel was moderated by Professor Elena Korosteleva, a renowned expert in politics and global sustainable development, and Director of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development at Warwick University. Esteemed speakers included Tatiana Shchyttsova, Adviser on Education and Science for the Office of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Tamara Matskevich from the Belarusian School Society, and Villano Qiriazi, Head of the Education Department at the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity in the Council of Europe. 

The session began with a detailed overview of the multifaceted challenges faced by Belarusian academics and students who have been forced into exile due to political repression following the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus. Villano Qiriazi emphasized the legal and financial uncertainties that exiled individuals encounter and highlighted the European  initiatives specifically designed for Belarusian students and academics. These programs provide crucial financial assistance, allowing them to continue their education and research in safer environments across Europe, including countries like Lithuania, Latvia, the Czech Republic, and Poland.

The panel underscored the importance of fostering an inclusive educational environment that upholds the values of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Recent efforts by the Council of Europe’s Education Department to protect these fundamental values were highlighted, emphasizing the role of higher education in reinvigorating democratic societies. Specific attention was given to the work carried out by the Education Department with regard to the recognition of qualifications of refugee students through its programme European Qualifications for Refugees as well as to the work of the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz and the Observatory on History Education.

The panel concluded with a call to action for continued support and solidarity with Belarusian academics and students. By addressing the challenges they face with concrete actions, the global academic community can help them rebuild their lives and continue their valuable contributions to academia and society. “Supporting exiled scholars reaffirms a commitment to the principles of academic freedom, democracy, and human rights – concluded Villano Qiriazi.

This session was a part of the broader conference aimed at discussing and implementing solutions to support Belarusians in exile. Other panels throughout the event focused on legal entry and stay, threats to freedom of movement, and preserving Belarusian cultural identity.

The conference “The Luxembourg Solutions” underscores the vital role that national parliaments and international organizations play in addressing the challenges faced by Belarusian exiles, promoting democratic values, and ensuring the protection and integration of at-risk scholars and students.

Luxembourg 7 June 2024
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