Back Quality education for all - sixth action steering committee meeting held in Serbia

Quality education for all - sixth action steering committee meeting held in Serbia

The Quality education for all action held its sixth Steering Committee Meeting on 23 March 2022 in Belgrade. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the two Education Institutes, the National Education Council of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of European Integration and the EU Delegation to Serbia.

Vesna Atanasova, programme manager at the Education Department of the Council of Europe opened the meeting and thanked the members of the Steering Committee for their outsdanding committment and help in implementing the action and most importantly, in achievening all the planned action results.

After the welcoming words given by Irena Radinović from the EU Delegation and Snežana Vuković from the Ministry of Education, Science and Tehcnological Development, the project team presented the results from the previous period highlighting the completion of the Guidelines for integration of Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture in selected subjects of national curricula, a unique guidebook for practitioners seeking to integrate the Framework into their teaching practice.

Members of the Steering Committee also learned in detail about the implementation of schools’ actions plans and the changes that it brings in students, teachers and entire local communities who, by applying the whole-school approach, have become actively involved. This includes celebrations of Days of Democratic Culture in all municipalities where action schools are located.

The Steering Committee members approved the work plan for the forthcoming six months focusing on additional capacity-building of teachers, building on sustainability through Train the Trainer sessions, exchange of experiences, online training and action evaluation.

The action Quality education for all is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022“.

Belgrade 24 March 2022
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