Back Steering Committee meeting of the project “Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania” and a series of high-level meetings in Tirana

Steering Committee meeting of the project “Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania” and a series of high-level meetings in Tirana

The sixth Steering Committee meeting of the project “Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania” took place in Tirana on 23 February 2023 and brought together the participating partners, beneficiaries, donors and key stakeholders including the representatives of the Swedish Embassy (donor), the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Pre-University Education System (ASCAP), the Commissioner against Discrimination, Parents Council and the Students Parliament  and other major stakeholders.

The meeting was addressed by Villano Qiriazi, Head of the Council of Europe’s Education Department, who emphasized the importance of renewing the civic mission of education and strengthening competencies for the culture of democracy in the Council of Europe member states. Petra Brucher, Head of Development Cooperation at Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) noted the exemplary co-operation of the project stakeholders and stated that one key element of the project’s success is its flexibility and ability to address education matters both practically and theoretically, thus ensuring its sustainability while Zamira Gjini, the General Director of Policies and Development at the Ministry of Education and Sports stressed the importance of the Council of Europe’s continuous support for the education sector and the necessity of the project’s extension for more sustainable results and follow-up to the piloting.

During his visit to Tirana Villano Qiriazi also met with the Director of the Center for Education services and the Minister of Education and Sports, Evis Kushi. Minister Kushi appreciated the support that Council of Europe is providing for the education sector in Albania and promised continued commitment and active participation of her Ministry in the Council of Europe’s work both in Albania and also at the Council’s Steering Committee for Education, ENIC-NARIC Networks, the ETINED Network, and the History Observatory. Moreover, the Minister expressed the commitment of all the structures of the ministry in the successful implementation of the project “Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania”, and the support for its continuation in the future.


The project "Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania" is implemented by Council of Europe and financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Tirana, Albania 23 February 2023
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