Back Academic Freedom in Action: Call for international consultancy services

Academic Freedom in Action: Call for international consultancy services

The Council of Europe Education department is launching a call for experts in the framework of its work on the Democratic Mission of Higher Education. The new project entitled “Academic Freedom in Action” will be launched in 2024 and three distinct themes will be addressed in the period 2024-2027: Academic Freedom, Democratisation of Science, and Digital/AI Challenges in Higher Education.

The main expected outputs of this project are, inter alia:

- Review of the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec (2012)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the responsibility of public authorities for academic freedom and institutional autonomy

- A standard-setting instrument on academic freedom and institutional autonomy

- A feasibility study followed by an action plan with regard to the topic of democratisation of science;

- A pan-European framework on the local mission of higher education to support institutions in institutionalising their cooperation with local communities;

- Recommendations for policy makers and the leadership of higher education institutions with regard to the three themes and topics of the project proposal;

- Thematic events or working conferences;

- Studies, methodologies, data collections, and policy documents on the topics of the project.



Interested consultants are invited to refer to the Tender File and the Act of Engagement, which contain a full description of the terms and conditions of engagement and the scope of activities:

The deadline for the submission of applications is 21 January 2024.

Electronic copies shall be sent only to with the following reference in subject:  Tender – Democratic Mission of Higher Education.

Questions regarding this tendering procedure shall be sent at least 6 working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders, i.e. by 24 January 2024, in English or French, and shall be sent to the following address:

Strasbourg 14 December 2023
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