Promoting democratic values and principles in and through quality citizenship education in Europe

What is the objective?

The European Space for Citizenship Education aims to promote quality citizenship education, fostering a higher level of commitment among Member States through an integrated approach to promoting a culture of democracy and preparing active and responsible citizens that participate in democratic life, and to address current and emerging challenges.

The creation of a European Space for Citizenship Education will enhance co-operation between member States committed to democratic values and principles.


Key areas

Codification of principles

Accountability and quality assurance


Launching Conference of the European Space for Citizenship Education

To mark the dual 75th anniversaries of the Council of Europe and German Basic Law (Constitution), the Council of Europe Education Department, in partnership with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Movement, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) and the European network for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (DARE), is organising an event in Berlin, on 17 and 18 October 2024, to promote a European vision of shared democratic values and principles through citizenship education.

Specific objectives of the event include:

  • Launching the preparatory phase of the European Space for Citizenship Education
  • Introducing the German translation of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC)
  • Highlighting initiatives in Germany putting the RFCDC into practice
  • Consulting with civil society on the European Space for Citizenship Education
  • Raising the visibility of the CoE’s standards and materials in this field, as well as good practices

The event in Berlin will contribute to the two-year preparatory phase to develop the European Space for Citizenship Education through a co-creation process.

This event will mark a crucial milestone in advancing European citizenship education to make the European Space for Citizenship Education a reality.