On September 29, at the 26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education, the Ministers of Education declared 2025 as the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education


The European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025 will provide a platform for member states to set common goals, exchange sense-making practices, measure achievements and define together a road map for the future. It will concert the efforts of stakeholders to create initiatives to make learners more aware of the changes that digital technology is bringing to the world, to see more clearly the positives of the online environments they choose to move in, and improve their knowledge and skills to avoid the downsides. Moreover, it will highlight ways and advantages of participating in a culture of democracy and the importance of living peacefully together with others in culturally diverse democratic societies.


Download here the informational booklet on the Year

                                                      and here are the leaflets to learn more about why DCE is important, purpose and objective of the Year as well as its main activities and themes, and how to get involved.




The objectives of the European Year shall be:

  • raise awareness of the value of digital citizenship education for citizens: Increase public and stakeholder awareness of the critical role digital citizenship education plays in empowering learners to thrive ethically, responsibly, and effectively in a digitally connected world;

  • enhance stakeholders’ understanding of the Council of Europe’s digital citizenship education framework: Support education stakeholders to better understand Council of Europe’s digital citizenship education framework, highlighting its contributions to meaningful and inclusive digital transformation;

  • establish digital citizenship education as a long-term policy priority: Foster a shared commitment to making digital citizenship education a central focus in education policies and practices across member states, supported by a strategic road map for implementation from 2027 to 2031

  • promote cross-sector collaboration in digital citizenship education: Encourage meaningful partnerships and initiatives among public, private, and civil society stakeholders at local, national, and international levels to drive innovation and effectiveness in DCE;

  • advance access to resources and innovative practices in digital citizenship education: Support the development and dissemination of high-quality educational resources, creative teaching methods, tools and practices that enable effective and inclusive DCE across diverse contexts.

Contact us

 Write us at: 

digital.citizenship@coe.int to get information on how to support us in the preparation of the European Year!