Our first expert is Calin Rus, the Director of the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Romania who has been involved in several Council of Europe projects as an expert. Notably, he participated in the Group of Experts who developed the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, which identifies 20 competences for democratic culture.

We asked him several questions, linked to the challenges of the education sector in view of the coronavirus crisis. Two of the questions related directly to the Council of Europe work in the field of education and its relevance in the current situation.


Below you may read a written excerpt regarding the relevance of Council of Europe standards and tools in the current crisis, or listen to the full interview.



Written Excerpt
Question 1

The Corona crisis has put a serious strain on the education systems in different countries. What, in your opinion, are the main challenges?


Question 2

What solutions, in your opinion, can the education systems offer to overcome the crisis?


Question 3

You are one of the authors of the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, which identifies 20 competences for democratic culture.

a) Which competences are of particular relevance in the current situation?

b) What can the Council of Europe offer in response to the crisis in the field of education?