Back Call for tenders supporting the creation of a European Space for Citizenship Education

Deadline: 2nd September 2024

The Education Department of the Council of Europe, as part of the action planned within Pilar 1 of its Education Strategy 2024-2030, “Renewing the democratic and civic mission of education”, is proposing the creation of a European Space for Citizenship Education, which aims to ensure the sustainability of democracy through quality citizenship education.

The Council of Europe is currently (and until 31 December 2026) developing the key areas that will constitute the European Space for Citizenship Education: codification of the values and principles of citizenship education, accountability and quality assurance, and cooperation.

In that context, the aim of the tender is to create a pool of consultants to provide consultancy services requested by the Council on an as-needed basis in the field of citizenship education.



Interested consultants are invited to refer to the Tender File and the Act of Engagement, which contain a full description of the terms and conditions of engagement and the scope of activities:


The deadline for the submission of applications is 2nd September 2024, by 23:59 CEST.

Electronic copies shall be sent only to with the following reference in subject:  Tender – European Space for Citizenship Education. Tenders submitted to another e-mail account will be excluded from the procedure.

Candidates shall pay particular attention to completing, signing and submitting documents according to the instructions set in the Tender File and Act of Engagement. Candidates will be disqualified for any incomplete or missing documents.

All questions regarding this specific tendering procedure shall be sent at least 3 working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address:



  • The call mentions "This Contract is currently estimated to cover up to 20 activities, to be held by 31 December 2026." How many days approximately do you estimate for the completion of activity?

The number of days will depend on each activity.

  • The tender file indicates that the Provider shall also send "the full list of services; the fee per type of deliverables (in the currency indicated on the Act of Engagement, tax exclusive); the total amount per type of deliverables” but the table of fee mentions only "Daily fee (in Euros)". Must natural persons fill something else except the "Daily fee (in Euros)"? If yes, what and where?

This sentence refers to the ordering procedure after the framework contract has been concluded with the provider and only applies if the Provider is subject to VAT.
For natural persons, only the Daily Fee should be indicated in the Act of Engagement in the appropriate table (page 3).

  • Must natural persons send you something else except the CV and the Act of Engagement filled and signed?

The documents to be provided are listed under section G of the Tender File. No other documents need to be provided.

  • Which are the formal and legal requirements to form a consortium of consultants for the Council of Europe?

Please refer to the article 10 of the Act of Engagement, it stipulates the legal requirements for a consortium.

  • How should the eligibility criteria from each of the consultants individually be transferred to the general curriculum of the consortium?

The eligibility criteria apply to the consortium as a whole, therefore each criteria should be met by at least one member of the consortium for the bid to be considered eligible.

  • The tender file under section G lists the documents that must be submitted for the application. In addition to the Act of Engagement, a CV is required, but no letter of motivation and no other documents (such as publications on the topic). Is this correct or have I overlooked the reference to a letter of motivation or a substantive proposal? 

The documents to be provided are listed under section G of the Tender File. No other documents need to be provided :
-    Natural persons should only send the completed Act of Engagement and CV.
-    Legal persons should send the completed Act of Engagement, CV, and registration documents (proving their status as legal entity).


  • A Contract Number is not indicated, but highlighted in the Act of Engagement form. I assume, this will be filled later (if the respective provider is selected), therefore should be disregarded while submitting the form. Is this assumption correct?

This assumption is correct: the contract number will be filled in by the Council of Europe later, if the provider is selected.

  • It is indicated that the "signed and scanned" version of the completed Act of engagement form should be submitted to CoE.  Is it acceptable, if I insert an electronic signature and send the pdf version?

Yes, it is acceptable to insert an electronic signature and send the PDF version of the Act of Engagement.

  • It is indicated that 15 providers will be selected to complete 20 activities. Even though it is difficult to define exact distribution of activities per provider at this point, is there any pre-defined scope or limits for minimum and maximum workload per provider? In other words, what is the estimated total workload (# of working days)  per selected provider? 

There is no pre-defined scope or limits for minimum and maximum working days per provider. The number of working days is not defined yet, it will depend on each activity.

  • Is there a specific price range for the services under this call?

There is no pre-defined price range or exclusion level for this call. The offered prices are expected to be realistic with regard to the services provided and the average market prices for similar services.


Updated Q&A on 28/08/2024

17 July 2024
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