Download here the concept note and draft programme 


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Conference focus and outputs

The theme of the conference is "Regulating the use of AI systems in education". Within this framework, the conference will provide an opportunity for key stakeholders from different backgrounds across Europe to work together in a series of engaging, informative and interactive formats to

  • explore the regulatory dimensions of AI in Education (AIED),
  • identify key legal and pedagogical considerations for AIED,
  • develop actionable recommendations for the development of responsible and equitable regulation of AIED, and
  • provide feedback on other ongoing initiatives (policy toolbox and feasibility study).

The conference is expected to produce the following outputs, which will be further developed in collaboration with the CDEDU and interested conference stakeholders:

  • Actionable recommendations for the development of the proposed legal instrument that ensure the ethical, equitable and effective use of AI systems in educational settings.
  • Key elements for the proposed legal instrument
  • Informed feedback and expert input on the policy toolbox and feasibility study

The conference will also discuss other relevant issues, such as AI governance in education, teaching and learning with and about AI, future-proofing education systems, and the idea of a European evaluation framework to assess educational technologies.


Programme topics

The following topics will be explored through context-setting keynotes, discussions, clarifying challenges and shared insights.

Day 1

  • Future proofing education
  • Leveraging potential benefits of AI within educational settings
  • Safeguarding against potential risks and challenges of AI systems
  • Identifying appropriate components of regulation of AI in education

Day 2

  • Defining a legal instrument for AI in education
  • Main elements for the proposed legal instrument
  • Support mechanisms and policy toolkits