08 - Post-election

Lessons learned from past elections are paramount for improving any new electoral cycle. Even if one election follows swiftly from the last one, there needs to be a sense of continuity and sustainable democracy.
Parliamentary Assembly – Election Observation and Interparliamentary Co-operation Division:
- The Assembly’s Monitoring Committee follows up observation reports as part of the monitoring process.
Congress – Observation of Local and Regional Elections:
- Election observation reports including recommendations are approved by the Monitoring Committee and adopted at Congress plenary sessions The Congress follows up recurring and transversal thematic issues and post-electoral dialogue.
European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission):
- The Venice Commission organises conferences and seminars on election related themes and has published a report on election dispute resolution.
Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO):
- GRECO monitors compliance with Council of Europe’s standards on prevention of corruption amongst members of parliament, judges and prosecutors. It participates in events on the issue with other bodies.
Elections and Participatory Democracy Division:
- The division develops and implement co-operation projects and/or activities aiming at addressing recommendations from the Assembly, Congress, Venice Commission and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR). It produces studies, toolkits and carries out research on electoral trends and runs the Council of Europe Compendium of Electoral Data (ElecData).
Directorate of Democratic Participation, Youth Department:
- The directorate organises research and knowledge sharing for young people to strengthen youth civil society, democratic citizenship and youth partnership participation.
Anti-Discrimination Department, Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI):
- The department has published a study on the obstacles that face young people from national minorities during elections and the opportunities that exist for them to get involved.