06 - Voting operations and election day

From the opening of the polling stations to the counting of the votes, election day is the most visible part of the cycle and is crucial for the overall credibility of any electoral process.
Parliamentary Assembly – Election Observation and Interparliamentary Co-operation Division:
- The Assembly observes parliamentary and presidential elections, as well as referendums, co-operating with other international organisations. It produces extensive reports for each mission.
Congress – Observation of Local and Regional Elections:
- The Congress observes elections and produces extensive reports. It follows up recurring and transversal thematic issues and post-electoral dialogue
European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission):
- The Venice Commission has issued principles for the use of digital technologies in electoral processes and a report on digital technologies and elections.
Information Society Department:
- The department has addressed the issue of election interference via malicious cyber activities against computers and data used in elections and election campaigns. It has issued a guidance note on election interference by means of computer systems as part of the Cybercrime Convention