(Seulement en anglais)

Georgian district electoral commissioners explored practical tools how to incorporate international standards on the use of information technology in domestic electoral practices

29 August 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Georgian Central Election Commission and its Training Center, delivered training of trainers on the E-voting standards to the district election commissioners from all over Georgia. The main objective of the training was to introduce to the election...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Carabinieri trained on ensuring public order in the electoral process ahead of presidential elections and constitutional referendum in Republic of Moldova

22-23 August 2024 Republic of Moldova

he training, led by Council of Europe consultant Mariana Kalughin, focused on preparing the carabinieri for the critical task of ensuring the integrity and safety of the electoral process. Participants were provided with detailed guidance on the general framework of the electoral process, the...

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Georgian district electoral commissioners explored practical tools how to improve quality of their decisions on electoral complaints prior to 2024 Parliamentary Elections

8-10 August 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Georgian Central Election Commission and its Training Center, and together with the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) delivered cascade trainings for the district election commissioners on Electoral dispute resolution - common court...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Regional media representatives discussed media development and coverage of elections ahead of 2024 Parliamentary Elections

27 July 2024 Batumi, Georgia

Representatives of Georgian regional media outlets and high-level election officials exchanged views and discussed ways to improve the media environment during elections at the workshop – “Media development and coverage of elections” held on 27 July 2024 in Ajara region. The Council of Europe...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Georgian judges explore new approaches to adjudicating electoral complaints in a digital era

20-21 July 2024 Georgia,

During the two-day workshop, up to 100 judges from common courts of Georgia exchanged with election commissioners on the latest changes to the electoral legal framework and practices, prior to the 26 October 2024 Parliamentary Elections. Since the upcoming elections will be held with the use of...

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Money in Politics

2-3 July 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The regional conference “Money in Politics in the Era of Globalization and Digitalization” which took place on 2-3 July in Chisinau gathered around 110 participants from Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, USA, Romania, Ukraine and France. The representatives of...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Judges and the staff of the Anti-corruption Bureau explore ways to improve monitoring of legality and transparency of political finance

29 June 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

Judges of the Georgian common courts and the staff of the Anti-corruption Bureau participated in the Bench Bar workshop “Strengthening political finance oversight: challenges and steps forward”. The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange on practical steps on how to improve the oversight of...

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Moldovan Central Election Administration studied Portuguese’s authorities experience in Postal Voting

 Lisbon, Portugal

A delegation of nine representatives from the Central Electoral Administration of the Republic of Moldova undertook a study visit to Lisbon, Portugal, to learn about this country’s experience in organising postal voting. The delegation included the President, members and officials of the Central...

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Training on electoral disputes resolution for Magistrates ahead of 2024 presidential election in the Republic of Moldova

6 June 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Approximately 50 judges and prosecutors actively participated in the training "Peculiarities of examining and solving the electoral disputes by the courts ahead of the presidential elections of the Republic of Moldova 2024" organised in Chisinau, at the premises of National Institute of Justice....

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Study visit of the representatives of the Georgian Central Election Commission at the Council of Europe

3-4 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

A delegation of the Central Election Commission of Georgia visited the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg for a study visit which focused on the “Modernisation of elections, challenges, and steps forward” and international standards in this regard. During the two-day visit, the...

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