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Recommended hotels

Links to recommended hotels (all within walking distance to the venue):

These hotels have been recommended by the ministry; please note there are no negotiated rates.


The organisers do not provide any assistance in visa application.

Participants requiring a visa can apply on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

Working languages
Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian will be provided at the Conference.
Tourism information
There is a tourism office located in Østbanehallen, right next to Oslo central station.

The airport express train is the easiest and fastest way to travel from Oslo Ariport to the city of Oslo. The recommended hotels and the conference venue are all within short walking distance from Oslo Central station.

Link to the airport express train.

There are also local trains that pass through the central station as well as an airport bus.

Oslo city app
The city of Oslo has an official city app which can be downloaded.