Local authorities and Enter!
The Youth Department of the Council of Europe encourages and supports local and regional authorities to devise and set in place specific activities or project which contribute to the implementation of the Enter! Recommendation cooperation with the Congress of Local and Regional Authoritites ensures complementarity of policies and approaches.
Support measures for local authorities in 2018-2019
The Youth for Democracy programme of the Council of Europe included for the first time in 2018, support measures for local and regional authorities to disseminate, explore and implement the Enter! Recommendation.
The support measures are designed as an “on-demand” provision of assistance by the Council of Europe, which means that once the expression of interest is shared, the Council of Europe respond with further information, guidance and if necessary, allocation of expertise to assist the local authority.
The support measures provided by the Council of Europe are based on the principle of cooperation and mutually shared interest in ensuring that young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods have access to their social rights.
A call for expression of interest to the local and regional authorities was launched in July 2018. In total 16 expression of interest were received. All expression of interest were assessed for feasibility and a list of 7 support activities was established (below in alphabetical city order).
Covasna, Romania, 24-26 August 2018
Support training seminar for local, regional and national stakeholders involved in youth work in Romania in cooperation with the Covasna County Office for Youth and Sports
The seminar contributed to promoting the work with Enter! Recommendation in Romania to various local, regional authorities and youth organisations. The participants explored, analysed and reflected on existent forms, tools and methods for working with Enter! Recommendation, on their accessibility, efficiency and attractiveness for diverse groups of young people in Romania.
Read the report of the Support training seminar for local, regional and national stakeholders involved in youth work in Romania
Elche/Elx, Spain, 10-11 December 2018
Info-session on access to Social Rights for young people in cooperation with the Municipality of Elche/Elx, Spain
The session informed the local stakeholders about the Enter! Recommendation and other youth work tools of the Council of Europe. The participants also reflected on their practice in Elx, especially how these tools can be useful in the work with young people from Elx's disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
Read the report of the Info-session on access to Social Rights for young people
Gori, Georgia, March-ONGOING project
Enter! Local level study on young people’s access to social rights
Development of a study on barriers for young people to access their social rights and ways forward in implementing the Enter! Recommendation on a local level. The study aimed to feedback to the youth policy on local level which the municipality was developing.
Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 December 2018
National Training Course for the implementation of the Enter! Recommendation of the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth and the Lisbon Youth Centre
The activity aimed to introduce the Enter! Recommendation and explore different youth work tools that address the issues of segregation, discrimination and promote social inclusion. The training course gathered youth organizations active at local and regional level working on gender equality, civil servants for the municipalities and civil servants from regional authorities. In the framework of the activity the official translation of the Recommendation in Portuguese was launched.
Read the report of the National Training Course for the implementation of the Enter! Recommendation
Nyíregyháza, Hungary, 8-10 November 2018
Enter! at work – Practical guidance of implementing the Enter! Recommendation in cooperation with the Social and Public Education Department of the town of Nyíregyháza
The training course aimed to develop the participants’ skills and competences to support young people’s access to social rights through implementing the Enter! Recommendation in Nyíregyháza and its vicinity. More specifically, the course explored ways to prevent early school leaving and support young people’s access to employment. It took place at the premises of Köz-Pont Youth Association and brought together 19 representatives of various organisations that are active in the youth field, such as family and child care centres, youth associations and NGOs, as well as representatives of the local administration.
Read the report of the training course Enter! at work – Practical guidance of implementing the Enter! Recommendation
Turin, Italy, 10-12 December 2018
Enter! Access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods through youth work in cooperation with the City of Turin
The activity aimed to develop skills for the participants’ from the Centres for youth protagonism (CPG), youth organisations and civil servants from the local administration to support young people’s access to social rights through implementing the Enter! Recommendation in Turin. The activity also focused strongly on Human Rights Education as an approach for breaking down segregation and the promotion of social inclusion.
Read the report of the activity Enter! Access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods through youth work
Varazdin, Croatia, 7-9 December 2018
Enter! Local training course in cooperation with the City of Varazdin
The training activity was set to develop participants’ competences to use youth work and non-formal education as a tool to empower young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The course also explored the Enter! Recommendation and promoted some of the Council of Europe’s resources for non-formal education. The training activity brought together 14 participants from diverse professional backgrounds and together they devised new ideas in the area of local social policy and youth work. The follow-up was part of the city’s candidature for a European Youth Capital.