On 13-15 December 2023, the Executive Secretary of EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement participated in the Action-oriented dialogue on the “Reducing Risk Together: Community Engagement in Disaster Risk Reduction” convened by the UNDRR and the Ministry of the Interior of Finland. The Action-Oriented Dialogue aimed to examine how to improve resilience by capitalizing on all-of-society and comprehensive security approach with the aim to achieve the outcomes and goals of the Sendai Framework and for building resilient communities. Discussions at the meeting concentrated on how to involve different groups throughout risk reduction processes, so that their capacities to overcome challenges can be built up across sectors.
The meeting gave the Executive Secretary an opportunity to present the the recently adopted EUR-OPA Recommendation on the ‘Use of digital tools such as social media and mobile applications for successful disaster risk communication’ which is closely linked to one of the topics of discussion.