"Protecting societies from disasters through preparedness and prevention: a political priority" (31 October 2006, Marrakech, Morocco) 

The main aim of the Ministerial meeting which took place in Marrakech on 31 October was to obtain political support for disaster reduction as a major element of sustainable development and define priorities for the years 2007-2011 which will guide the work of the Agreement.

Adopted Texts
  • Resolution "Priorities Disaster Reduction"
  • Recommendation "Local and Regional Authorities Disaster Risks"
  • Recommendation "Risk Reduction through Education at school"


  • The importance of European and Mediterranean co-operation in preventing disasters. Arnaldo CRUZ Portugal
  • The importance of European and Mediterranean co-operation in preventing disasters. Arnaldo CRUZ Portugal
  • Planning as a tool for risk prevention. László BORBÉLY, Romania
  • Disaster risk reduction for seismic events: the experience of Turkey. Faruk Nafiz ÖZAK, Turkey
  • Twenty years after the Chernobyl Accident: lessons learnt. Volodymyr KHOLOSHA Ukraine
  • EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Priorities. Mohamed EL YAZGHI, Morocco
  • Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action in Europe and the Mediterranean, Sálvano BRICEÑO, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
  • Priorities for Europe and the Mediterranean. Pia BUCELLA, European Commission
  • Risk prevention in schools in the Principality of Monaco. Paul MASSERON, Principality of Monaco
  • Education and training on disaster prevention: new challenges and trends. Justo Tomás ZAMBRANA PINEDA, Spain
  • Education to risks as an element of education to sustainable development: the work ahead. Badaoui ROUHBAN, UNESCO
  • New technologies at the service of risk awareness in schools. Christos KYRIAKIDES Cyprus
  • Role of local and regional authorities in risk reduction. Valery AKIMOV, Russia
  • Role of local and regional authorities in disaster reduction in Armenia. Aram TANANYAN, Armenia
  • The role of local and regional authorities in preventing and planning for risks and in dealing with emergency situations: creating the necessary partnerships. Ian MICALLEF, Local Authorities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
  • Making local authorities conscious of risks. Jan MANS, European Forum for Local and Regional Disaster Management
  • Planning as a tool for risk prevention. László BORBÉLY, Romania
  • Disaster risk reduction for seismic events: the experience of Turkey. Faruk Nafiz ÖZAK, Turkey
  • Twenty years after the Chernobyl Accident: lessons learnt. Volodymyr KHOLOSHA Ukraine
  • EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Priorities. Mohamed EL YAZGHI, Morocco
  • Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action in Europe and the Mediterranean, Sálvano BRICEÑO, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
  • Priorities for Europe and the Mediterranean. Pia BUCELLA, European Commission
  • Risk prevention in schools in the Principality of Monaco. Paul MASSERON, Principality of Monaco
  • Education and training on disaster prevention: new challenges and trends. Justo Tomás ZAMBRANA PINEDA, Spain
  • Education to risks as an element of education to sustainable development: the work ahead. Badaoui ROUHBAN, UNESCO
  • New technologies at the service of risk awareness in schools. Christos KYRIAKIDES Cyprus
  • Role of local and regional authorities in risk reduction. Valery AKIMOV, Russia
  • Role of local and regional authorities in disaster reduction in Armenia. Aram TANANYAN, Armenia
  • The role of local and regional authorities in preventing and planning for risks and in dealing with emergency situations: creating the necessary partnerships. Ian MICALLEF, Local Authorities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
  • Making local authorities conscious of risks. Jan MANS, European Forum for Local and Regional Disaster Management