The CEISE (Centro Europeo de Investigación Social de Situaciones de Emergencia), is a research center linked to the Ministry of the Interior and belonging to the General Directorate of Civil Protection in accordance with the Real Decreto 1449/2000 of 28 July .
Director / Coordinator: D. Andrés García Gómez
Promoting and developing researches and sociological legal and economical studies in the field of civil protection
maintaining the functions attributed previously to the European Centre on Technical information of the Population in Emergency situations, functions covering numerous aspects on emergency situations management but also analysis and risk prevention which require for their comprehension and solution human sciences aspects (psychology, sociology, economy, legal sciences, education sciences, etc..)
Teaching of topics related to communication and population’s behaviour in several courses of the ENPC-DGPC
In collaboration with ENRESA and the International University Menéndez Pelayo on social aspects of the nuclear risk in liaison with a course in the UIMP of the Coruña carried out in Julio 2004
CEISE prize for the doctoral thesis on social and legal aspects applied to civil protection
Ecologial catastrophe and political crisis: public opinion and opinion published on the case Prestige, work in co-operation with the University of Coruna on advice for innovation, industry and business of the Xunta Galicia and the Ministry for sciences and technologies
Design and co-ordination of periodical enquiry analyses (2 per year) such as “bus” for ENRESA: “Acceptability and information degree of the Spanish population in the field of energy”
Summary of CEISE works and seminars from 1987 to 2003 to be edited
Coordination of INFOCEISE, and Iberian American forum and permanent meetings (via internet)
Texts are available on the website of the center
in Spanish
Research on population behavior when the vessel CASON was stranded on the Galicia coasts in 1987
population behavior on the Tenerife Island following messages launched after the 9 May 1989 earthquake
the 1989 flooding in the Malaga province
population behavior and information policy: Vandellos I
perception of risks and population culture concerning crisis management
analysis of the request for information and elaboration of a model of answering guide
information of population and psychosocial analysis of answers : research made during the various seismic movements in the South-East of Spain
social acceptability of risk resulting from nuclear energy and the stocking of radioactive wastes
Social acceptability and level of information on the creation of nuclear and radiological risks
social, political and communication keys of social acceptability of setting up nuclear energy and worn combustible management
in French and English
investigation techniques applied to crisis situations : resonance effects of a catastrophe
activity of linguistic action as social actors : influence of messages launched in case of a catastrophe on the behavior of the receptive population
behavior population study on the Tenerife Island following the messages launched after the 9 May 1989 earthquake
in English only
functional analysis of population behavior, media and authorities when the vessel CASON stranded on the Galicia coasts in 1987
establishing indicators for measuring consequences of a catastrophe : methodology and techniques
in French only
statistical analysis applied to real cases of collective autoevacuation
1st International Seminar on “population information problems in case of emergency : in particular the case of a collective autoevacuation, 1989
2nd International Seminar on “population behavior facing disasters (vv.aa.)”, 1992
theory and practice of social sciences during catastrophic risk situations,
2000- 2001
social acceptability of nuclear risk: political and technical risk management 2002
Technical days of the Euro-Mediterranean Forum, 2003