European Centre for Costal Risks - CerCo


Address: Plateau de l'Atalaye, 64600 Biarritz

Tél.: +33 5 59 22 75 45 / GSM : +33 6 10 07 15 26

Fax: +33 5 59 22 75 30






Chair of the scientific committee: Prof Michel Vigneaux
Director of the centre:  Dr Françoise Pautrizel
Permanent staff of the centre: Dr Gael Arnaud, Dr Iker Castège

 CerCo is a specialised centre of the Council of Europe’s EUR-OPA Open Partial Agreement.


The European Centre on Coastal Risks is a non-profit-making organisation.  Its objectives are to provide education and training and to carry out research into coastal hazards and the ensuing risks to the coastline.


a.  Training

Specialised training courses: "Knowledge and management of coastal risks"

 Previous courses: 12-15 October 2009, 22-26 November 2010

 Courses designed for local and regional authority staff and postgraduate students

  • Physical risks: erosion, storm surges, flooding, cliff collapse
  • Chemical and biological risks: pollution of marine and terrestrial origin (drainage basins)
  • Information about management and decision-making tools

 This training is attended by coastline stakeholders and researchers and is intended to promote exchanges between users and producers of decision-making methods and tools.
Participation in the "Coastal hazard assessment and risk management" course run by the CERG European Centre (19-25 June 2011)

b.    Research

The "Vulner'hab" project
Research programme, run in co-operation with the AZTI-Tecnalia foundation (Spanish Basque country), assessing loss of habitats when sea levels rise at a "pilot" site, Txingudi Bay.

c.   Other activities

Organisation of an international symposium on coastal risks:
"Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to global change and extreme events"

 The research described at this symposium will be considered from three angles, giving an interdisciplinary approach:

  • Physical
  • Biological
  • Chemical

The symposium will be accompanied by a professional exhibition of innovative coastal risk assessment and prevention techniques.

Information about the symposium :