Euro-Mediterranean Network of Information and Training t- risks management - REMIFOR

Address: 247 rue Jean Aicard – 83300 Dranguignan, France

Tel.: (00 33) 4 94 50 12 75

Fax: (00 33) 4 94 68 77 03






President: M. Jean-Pierre MASSUE

President of the Scientific Committee: M. Daniel SACOTTE

Director: Commandant Bernard JANNIN

Secretary General: M. Jean BONNIN

Permanent staff of the Center: 8 people


The origin of the REMIFOR Association (Euro-Mediterranean Network of Information and Training t- Risks Management) is linked t- the need of information transfer between European centers, national institutes, schools of firemen and civil protection centers enabling them t- take advantage of existing work at the level of exchanges and scientific collaboration

The aim of REMIFOR is the development of tools and solutions applied t- risks factors by using information and communication technologies in the field of distant training and their use in mobile operational modes


  • Training

  • Research

  • other

Activities carried out and in progress:

. developping a distant learning performant tool

. developping an information site in the field of risks

These applications enable t- integrate sustainable development objectives of economical actors (local and regional – signature of a contract of objectives with the PACA Regional Council in April 2004), t- occupy a position at the level of the great European projects and t- promote access t- qualification and employment

i Cultural heritage and risk management

Framework : PACA Region

Coordinator : REMIFOR

Objectives : federating cultural heritage actors / offering tools for authorities/ register partners/ preparing trainings// Noé positionning

Duration : 30 June 2005

Budget : 500 EUR

Responsible : G DOURNEAU

ii Risks and Space telecommunications

Coordinator : DDSC-ENSOSP-ESA-REMIFOR partnership

Framework : ESA

Objective : collect and defining of users needs at European level to

Envisage the implementation of programmes

Duration : 29 April 2005

Budget : 20 000 EUR (shared between ESA/ENSOSP/REMIFOR)

Responsible : J. AGOSTINI

iii 2nd Meeting of the National piloting Committee FIAD

Coordinator : REMIFOR

Framework : ENSOSP/CIFSC/SDIS Partnership

Objective : Approach, Development and implementation of distant

training in the SP professionnal framework

Duration : from 2003 t- 2008

Responsible : Colonel J P CAYLA

iv Training of inspectors in environmental safety

Coordinator : Council of Europe

Framework : ENSOSP/REMIFOR/Council of Europe EUR-OPA Major

HAzards Agreement / CETICA

Objective : lst Training of inspectors in environmental and industrial

safety of Morocco

Duration : action launched in July 2003

Budget : percentage taking int- account projects – Morocco, Georgia

Responsible : J P Massué


  • Reports of the national piloting committee on distant learning

  • VSAT technical studies

  • Studies on architecture as plateform of multimedia services


April 2004 Satellite retransmission of the European Days on Forest Fires

Organisation : CIFSC

Technical means : satellite diffusion t- COGIC, MIC, SDIS 13, SDIS 83

from CIFSC Site (REMIFOR transmission vehicle)


Vide- on line through REMIFOR TV WEB

September 2004 Firemen national Congress

Organisation : CIFSC

Technical means : satellite diffusion t- COGIC from Montpellier
(ESA transmission vehicle)

Operator : ESA

Vide- on line through REMIFOR TV WEB

November 2004 TARN Authorities Conference, CIFSC… during a training on rescue clearing

Organisation : CIFSC

Technical means : satellite diffusion t- COGIC (REMIFOR Transmission vehicle)


Vide- (of the training and of the Conference) will be on line through REMIFOR TV WEB

February 2005 PC Site liaison – CODIS 13 during a rescu clearing training

Organisation : RMF/ ASP/SDIS 13

Technical means : satellite diffusion t- CODIS 13/ PC Site/ENSOSP

Aix/REMIFOR Draguignan (REMIFOR transmission vehicle)

Functions activated : Web Conference, work in collaboration, Distant training from REMIFOR Studios


April 2005 Demonstration of VSAT solution for PACA RC

Organisation : RMF / CIFSC

Technical means : satellite diffusion t- ASP Cannes – CIFSC Valabre

(REMIFOR transmission vehicle)

Functions activated : Web Conference, work in collaboration, vide-streaming (vide- in direct from Valabre site t- the reception site)


Next Congress (15-18 September 2005) FNSPF of BOURGES (request for transmission by DDSC)