The Agreement has also been active in focusing on children, particularly with regard to education, as a priority in its programme of activities - a real “cornerstone” of the building of a risk culture aimed to make societies more resilient.
The following two fields have been the main instruments:
- the development of the Internet-based BeSafeNet learning tool, mainly aimed at children, teachers and the general public. The website provides knowledge on natural and technological hazards and how to protect people from their effects;
- active participation in the ISDR Thematic Platform on Knowledge and Education (in collaboration with ISDR, UNESCO and other partners), promoting analysis such as “Let our children teach us!” (a review of the role of Education and Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction).
The subject of children and DRR has also been further explored by other Organisations, including UNICEF (which published a very complete report in 2009 entitled “Children and Disaster Risk Reduction: Taking stock and moving forward”, gathering experiences and hinted to a possible more active role of children in DRR), SAVE THE CHILDREN and other actors.
Addressing the future citizens
Coordinator centre : European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings
Partners centres : The European Centre for Risk Prevention , European Centre for Mitigation of Natural Risks
Leader of the project: ECMNR; Partners: ECRP, ECBR
Leader of the project: ECRP; Partners: ECBR, ECFF, ECMNR, TESEC, ECTR, ECNTRM, CEMEC, CRSTRA
Leader of the project: ECRM