2008 Project for a Specialised European Centre on Coastal Risks, Biarritz, France (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Conclusions meeting of Directors of Centres (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Coordinated programmes proposed in 2008 (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Basic activities scheduled in 2008 (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Coordinated programmes supported in 2007 (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Basic activities in 2007 Network of specialised centres (Author: Secretariat)

2007 Conclusions Meeting of Directors of Specialised Centres 5-6 February 2007, Paris (Author: Secretariat)

2007 Basic activities scheduled in 2007 (Author: Secretariat)

2007 Summary of coordinated programmes backed in 2006 (Author: Secretariat)

2007 Summary of basic activities for 2006 (Author: Secretariat)

2006 Conclusions and Recommendations of the International Conference Twenty Years after the Chernobyl Accident, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 24-26, 2006 A(uthor: Ukraine Centre)

2006 Coordinated Programmes backed in 2006 - Network of specialised Euro-Mediterranean centres of the EUR-OPA Agreement (Author: Secretariat)

2006 International Study Days on Desertification and Sustainable Development, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for research in arid zones (CRSTRA), Biskra, Algeria, 10 - 12 June 2006 (Author: Algeria Centre)

2006 Network of specialised Euro-Mediterranean Centres of the EUR-OPA Agreement - Basic Activities scheduled for 2006 (Author: Secretariat)

2006 Conclusions of the Meeting of the Directors of specialised Euro-Mediterranean Centres, 2-3 February 2006, Paris (Author: Secretariat)

2006 European Inter-regional Centre for Training Rescuers (ECTR) Yerevan, Armenia - 2005 Activity Report (Author: Armenia Centre)

2006 Observatoire Euro-méditerranéen sur la gestion des risques (EMORIM) Rapport d'activités 2005 (French only) (Author: Emorim Centre France)

2006 Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (CSEM/EMSC), Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France - 2005 Activity Report (Author: CSEM Centre France)

2006 European Center for Forest Fires (Author: ECFF) , Athens Greece - 2005 Activity Report (Author: Greece Centre)

2006 European Centre on Urban Risks, (CERU), Lisbon Portugal - 2005 Activity Report (Author: Portugal Center)

2006 European Centre of Technological Safety (Author: TESEC), Kyev, Ukraine - Activity Report 2005 (Author: Ukraine Centre)

2006 European Centre for Risk Prevention Training at School Level (CSLT), Sofia, Bulgaria - 2005 Activity Report (Author: Bulgaria Centre)

2006 Aspects législatifs liés aux risques naturels - Rapport programme spécifique - Direction Générale Centre de Crise, Institut Supérieur de Planification d'Urgence (ISPU), Florival, Belgique (French only) (Author: Belgium Centre)

2006 European Centre on Geodynamical Hazards of High Dams, Tbilisi, Georgia - Conclusions and recommendations of International Workshop GIS-based Mapping of Integrated Hazards in the Southern Caucasus: Starting up” (Author: Georgia Centre)

2006 European Centre of Technological Safety (TESEC), Kyev, Ukraine - "Forecasting of health and environmental effects of industrial accidents: evaluation and benchmarking of existing software and exchange of information procedures” (Author: Ukraine Centre)

2006 European Inter-regional Centre for Training Rescuers (ECTR), Yerevan, Armenia - "Methodology and plan for action aiming to develop and hold national and municipal campains” on informing the populations about emergencies". (Author: Armenia Centre)

2006 Site Effect in the Grand-Duché of Luxembourg - Preliminary Study - Co-ordinated specific programme report (Author: Luxemburg Centre)

2006 International Seminar on Volcanic Risk Management in urban areas, Ravello, 11 and 12 November 2005 - Co-ordinated specific programme report (Author: Ravello Italy Centre)

2006 International Conference on Earthquake Engineering in 21st Century, EE-21C - Co-ordinated specific programme report (Author: Skopje Centre)

2005 European Centre on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes ( ECPFE), Athens, Greece, 2005-2006 Scheduled activities (Author: ECPFE)

2005 European Centre on Forest Fires ( ECFF), Athens, Greece, 2005-2006 Scheduled activities (Author: ECFF)

2005 European Centre for Seismic & Geomorphological Hazards, CERG, Strasbourg, France, 2004 Activity Report (Author: CERG)

2005 European Training Information Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2004 Activity Report (Author: BAKU CENTRE)

2005 European Centre on Social Investigation of Emergencies (CEISE), Madrid, Spain, 2004-2005 Activity Programme (Author: CEISE)

2005 European Centre of Technological Safety (TESEC), Ukraine, 2004, 2005, 2006 Activity Report (Author: TESEC)

2005 European Centre on Geodynamical Hazards of High Dams (GHHD, Tbilissi, Georgia, 2004 Activity Report Author: GHHD

2005 European Centre on Flood Problems, Chisinau, Moldova, 2004, 2005, 2006 Activity Report (Author: CHISINAU CENTRE)