2008 Development of a Multilingual Risk Management Glossary (MLRMG) : Summary (Author: G. Greciano)

2008 Conclusions Workshop Kiev, 22-23 September, 2008 “For a safe European nuclear future” (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Vulnerability of cultural heritage to climate change (Author: C. Sabbioni)

2008 Cultural heritage and seismic risk: some European experiences (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Conclusions session on “Cultural Heritage and Risk: Some European experiences” Davos, Switzerland, 26 August 2008 (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Memorandum of co-operation between the Council of Europe and the Secretariat) of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) (Author: Secretariat)

2008 Disaster Risk Reduction and Europe: Update on moving forward in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (DKKV),  ISDR (Author: ISDR)

2008 Twinning of National Platforms - « A European Perspective , Concept Note (Author: ISDR)

2008 Conclusions - Meeting of European National Platforms and HFA Focal Points for Disaster Risk Reduction, Paris, 24-25 April 2008 (Author: ISDR)

2007 Vegetation Fire Smoke: Nature, impacts and policies to reduce negative consequences on humans and environment (Author: Milt Statheropoulos, Johann G. Goldammer)

2005 MULTH: Linguistic Risk Management Ministries and International Departments, Glossaries, Bibliographies and Specialised Press WIN CORPUS TERMINOLOGY (English / French / German) (Author: G. Greciano)

2005 Report of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction UNITED NATIONS World Conference on Disaster Reduction - Kobe, Japan, 18-22 January 2005 (Author: ISDR)

2005 Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (Author: ISDR)

2005 Memorandum for the Successive and joint meetings of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents and Centre Directors of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement (Author: Secretariat)

2005 Address of the Vice–Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank at the UNITED NATIONS' World Conference on Disaster Reduction (Kobe, Japan) (Author: Apolonio RUIZ LIGERO)

2005 Strategic Orientations and Proposed Actions for 2005 (Author: Lionel LE CLEI)

2005 Statement at the UNITED NATIONS World Conference on Disaster Reduction (Kobe, Japan) (Author: G. BATTAINI-DRAGONI)

2005 International Workshop on Regional co-operation in the field of risk mitigation and emergency management (Skopje, FYROM) (Author: Secretariat)

2005 Contribution of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement to the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (Kobé, Japan) (Author: G. BATTAINI-DRAGONI)