16 September 2021 (9.30 - 16.30), Videoconference



Documents for discussion and/or decision


Agenda Item 1


Agenda Item 2 - Statement by the Executive Secretary


Agenda Item 3 - EUR-OPA Ministerial Meeting back-to-back with the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (November 2021)

 3.1 EUR-OPA Ministerial Meeting 2021, 24 November 2021, Matosinhos, Portugal

 3.2 Draft Ministerial Declaration

  • Draft Ministerial Declaration - AP/CAT(2021)08


Agenda Item 4 - Revised draft recommendations

  • Revised draft recommendation 2021-1 "enabling and protecting persons with disabilities before, during and after public health emergencies resulting from viral or other pathogenic pandemicsr" - AP/CAT(2020)01rev2REC_en 
  • Revised draft recommendation 2021-2 "Inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in public health emergencies resulting from viral or other pathogenic pandemics" - AP/CAT(2020)02rev2REC_en 


Agenda Item 5 - European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction


Agenda Item 6 - Round-table discussion of Directors of Specialised Centres with Permanent Correspondents with on the expected outcomes of the Ministerial meeting


Agenda Item 7 - Revision of the rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents (postponed to the next meeting)


Agenda Item 7A - Proposal for a revision of the Resolution 2020-1 recognising the inclusion of biological hazards in the EUR-OPA Partial Agrement

  •  Revised Resolution 2020-1 recognising the inclusion of biological threats, hazards and risks causing natural and technological disasters in the EUR-OPA Partial Agreement - AP/CAT(2020)01RES_en


Agenda Item 7B - Proposal for a revision of the Medium-Term Plan 2021-2025

Agenda Item 8 - Any Other Business


 Agenda Item 9 - Date and place of the next meeting