European Inetrregional Centre for Training Rescuers - ECTR

Address: 10, Byron str., 375009 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

Tel.: (374 1) 54 49 92

Fax: (374 1) 54 49 92






President: Aram Tananyan

President of the Scientific Committee: Ph. Dr. Arshavir Avagyan

Director: Stepan Badalyan

Permanent staff of the Center: Director, Adviser on high-technologies, Expert-translator, Head of scientific methodological department, Senior specialist, Computer operator-translator, Computer operator, Accountant, driver-mechanic.


The Centre carries out multidisciplinary activities. The priority is given to the active methods of work contributing to prevention, protection and relief in the emergencies:

  • Preparation and implementation of the programs, targeted at raising awareness of the population, local government and especially children, concerning disaster risk prevention and safe life activity,
  • Preparing the trainers and training of the special groups of population in first aid
  • Activity, directed at performing and harmonizing of the legislation in the area of civil protection, disaster reduction and emergency response,
  • Initiatives for development and implementation of the regional programs aimed at reduction of trans-border disasters.


carried out
and in progress

Preparation and experimental teaching of “Safety and Survival” subject in Armenian National College in Yerevan, as well as in the regions of Armenia, including at remote rural schools.

Training courses for preparing the second and the first grade instructors from the students of Yerevan State Medical University in first aid at emergencies.

Training of military men of the corresponding subdivisions of peacekeeping battalion of the Republic of Armenia in first aid and rescue basis in emergencies.

Addressing by the heads and specialists of state management bodies, local governance, industrial and social infrastructures the training in crisis planning and crisis management, the forms and methods used in informing the population about disaster risks and warning on emergencies and adequate behaviour at terrorist attacks.

Participating in improving preparedness of the educators from pre-school institutions, the school teachers and administration on securing safe life activity basis for children; signals warning about threat and imminent emergencies trigged by nature and man-made and adequate behaviour of school teachers, administration and pupils at terrorist attacks.

Development of Modul 12. Organization of Relief. Basis of organization and carrying out rescue operations in emergencies. (2000-2001)

Council of Europe. EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement. UN International Organization of Migration (IOM) “Risk assessment mission in Kosovo” ”School of Civil Protection in Kosovo. Training Program For Trainers”

Development of the National Report on Disaster Reduction in the Republic of Armenia for World Conference on Disaster Reduction (Kobe, Japan, 18-22 January), 45 pages in English, 65 pages in Russian.

National Program for implementation of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement concluded between the Republic of Armenia, the European Community and its Member States.

Rapprochement of the Legislations of the European Union, Member States of the EU and the Republic of Armenia.

(Subchapters - Civil Protection and Sustainable Development).

Preparation of the corresponding training courses to train the contingent of peacekeeping subdivisions in the elements of adequate behaviour and skills of showing comprehensive aid at dealing with the civilian population, bearing in mind the situations typical of the armed conflict zones (basing on the corresponding subdivisions of peacekeeping battalion of the Republic of Armenia).

Elaboration of the project program and carrying out the training of socially unprotected teenagers called “difficult children” in safe life activity basis and in the skills of first aid.

Safety and security plan development and coordination of actions of the police, firemen, rescuers, health providers at Republic stadium of Yerevan during public events.

Elaboration of the project program “Proposals for developing and implementing the Program of training children in the skills of recognizing and properly reacting to the terrorist assassinations or at the danger of such assassinations”.

Development and implementation of the Project: “National Campaign on informing and warning the population of the Republic of Armenia in emergencies at central and municipal levels. (as a basis for establishing of a regional warning and informing system for population of Southern Caucasian countries and neighbouring states in trans boundary emergencies)”.

This Project is being implemented jointly with the Emergency Management Administration under the Government of the RA by the financial support of the Council of Europe’s EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement. The Project implementation includes 4 phases: Planning. Preparation. Execution. Evaluation. At present the studies and implementation of corresponding sections of Phase 1: Planning are being carried out.


  • “The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the problems of legislative regulation of the relations in the area of ensuring the safety of the population, territory, resources and state economical and political structures in emergencies”. Armenian Centre for National and International Studies. Accounting for the Decade. Yerevan, Armenia 2004, pages 283-309 “The law and reality” Journal, 2002, N 2, 3, 6. Yerevan, Armenia.
  • “Risk assessment mission in Kosovo”. School of Civil Protection in Kosovo. Training Program For Trainers”. Modul 12. Organization of Relief. Council of Europe’s EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, Strasbourg, 2000.
    • School safety and security. Lesson in danger. “Program of developing and implementing the Program of training children in the skills of recognizing and properly reacting to terrorist assassinations of the danger of such assassinations”. OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. PEB: Program on Education Building. Paris, France, 2005.
  • Terrorism: Some problems of its present state and coping strategies. European Center for Training Rescuers, (Yerevan), Institute of Crisis Management, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 2005.
  • “The new programme of the instruction of peacekeeping sub-units on conduct standards when contacting with civil population”. Emergency situations and peacemaking operations. “HAYKAKAN BANAK” (“ARMENIAN ARMY) Military-scientific quarterly of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia. N 3-4 (41-42), 2004, pages 77-82.
  • “Concept of Legislative Base Creation in the Sphere of Protection of Population, Prevention and Emergency Response”. Partnership for Peace seminar. Proceedings. The legal Basis for Civil Emergency Planning. Follow-up of the Stockholm Proposals. 8-10th June 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • “Problems and directions of regional security and cooperation in case of cross border emergencies”. Partnership for Piece Seminar. Proceedings. Civil Aspects of Crisis Management. International Cooperation and Good Neighborly Relations. Stockholm-Sweden 29 September- 2 October 1997.
  • “Ensuring the survival of the population and the economy in emergencies within the national security context”. “Armenian Army”. Military-scientific journal N 1-2, 1997.
  • World Conference and the Problems of Disaster Reduction in the Developing Mountainous Landlocked Countries. (Basing on an Example of the Republic of Armenia).” Accepted for publication in “Crisis Response Journal”, Cava Media Ltd.


The Center has actively participated in the activities and meetings of the Scientific-technical council of the Emergency Management Administration under the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

The first meeting of the scientific-technical council addressed the following problems of seismic risk evaluation and reduction in the Republic of Armenia.

  • Seismic situation in the Republic of Armenia, the basic tasks of seismic risk evaluation and reduction and taking of the practical measures with an aim to resolve the set task.
  • Seismic resistant building. Designing standards. Modification of the building standards. By the way, the standards of the seismic resistant building developed and approved in Armenia have been accepted as the pilot ones for the CIS countries (the Commonwealth of the Independent States).

The second meeting of the scientific-technical council covered the problems of monitoring and active impact on atmosphere phenomena in the Republic of Armenia.

  • Monitoring of atmosphere phenomena in the Republic of Armenia.
  • The present state of the activity aimed to impact effectively the atmosphere phenomena in the Republic of Armenia and the basis of the preliminary Program for their further development.
  • Assessment of a danger caused by spring floods.