1981 - Braunfels

The Braunfels townBraunfels is a small German town in the Land of Hessen. It is a nationally reputed thermal resort in the Northern Taunus highlands, lying near the scenic Lahn Valley, and has a magnificent castle whose oldest parts were erected 800 years ago, historic houses, museums, a mini golf course, a park, indoor and outdoor swimming baths, hospitals and clinics.

A strong European sense has grown up for quite some time, a first twinning having occurred in 1959 with the French town of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, then with Rohrmoos-Untertal (Austria), Newbury/Berkshire (United Kingdom), Eeklo (Belgium), Kiskunfélegyháza (Hungary), Feltre (Italy) and New Braunfels (United States).

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