Back Combating racial discrimination and intolerance in North Macedonia: round table in Skopje

Combating racial discrimination and intolerance in North Macedonia: round table in Skopje

The round table on combating racial discrimination and intolerance in North Macedonia will be held on Thursday, 14 November 2019 in the Ceremonial Hall of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in Skopje, from 13:30 to 16:30.


This event is organised by the Council of Europe’s anti-racism body, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) in co-operation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of North Macedonia and with the support of the European Union in the framework of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II".  


The round table will discuss the follow-up given by the authorities to the recommendations of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) 2016 report on North Macedonia, as well as the efforts to combat hate speech in the country in the framework of good practices and European standards.


Opening remarks will be given by:


  • Ms Jovana Trenchevska, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;
  • Ms Virve Vimpari, Head of Section, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Social Policies; EU Delegation;
  • Mr Stefano Valenti, Head of No Hate Speech Cooperation Unit, Anti-discrimination Department, DG II, Council of Europe.


Gerald Schöpfer, ECRI member, will further present the latest ECRI report on North Macedonia and its recommendations; his address will be followed by speeches of Gjulten Mustafova, Head of the Equal Opportunity Department in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and of a representative of the Ombudsman’s Office. Stefano Valenti from the Council of Europe’s Anti-discrimination Department will present ECRI’s standards and recommendations on combating hate speech, followed by contributions from NGOs and relevant public authorities.


The conference will begin at 13:30 at the Ceremonial Hall of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and is fully open to the media. Interviews can be arranged upon request. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


Media interested in covering the event are kindly requested to register in advance. Contact person for media registration: is Marija Andreeva (; deadline for media accreditation is 13 November 2019.

  • Programme of the round table: English



Marija Andreeva,

Dušan Vojnović,


Strasbourg, France 12 November 2019
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