Back ECRI’s recommendations on integration and inclusion of migrants: new factsheet

The Secretariat of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published today a factsheet on ECRI’s recommendations on integration and inclusion of migrants.
ECRI’s recommendations on integration and inclusion of migrants: new factsheet

The factsheet lists key recommendations made by ECRI to the Council of Europe member states for ensuing integration and inclusion of migrants. ECRI has regularly stressed a vital role of integration and inclusion of migrants as a cornerstone for building equal, diverse and inclusive societies. It, therefore, has consequently called on governments not only to prevent and combat discrimination against migrants, but also to take meaningful action to ensure their integration and inclusion within the society.  ECRI is also of the opinion that narratives around migration should be more balanced and that political and other public discourse should underline the opportunities and resources migrants may bring, including in times of crisis.

According to ECRI, the relevant authorities of Council of Europe member states should develop a comprehensive national integration/inclusion strategy and/or action plan for non-nationals, including refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and other migrants. Such strategy or action plan should be prepared in consultation with broad range of stakeholders and include strong coordination mechanisms between various national and local authorities. In this context, ECRI emphasises that the adoption of integration and inclusion policies should help the majority population to open up and embrace the richness of cultural diversity.

ECRI also considers that the authorities should take a number of relevant measures aimed at strengthening their partnership with civil society organisations, securing effective access of migrants to information, supporting migrant children in schools, developing appropriate support programmes for migrant adults and easing the recognition of foreign diplomas and other qualifications. They should ensure that migrants enjoy effective access to employment, housing, health care and social benefits, as well as provide them with possibilities of participation in public life, family reunification, and adopt adequate legal framework allowing long-term residents to obtain citizenship.

The factsheet provides an overview of the recommendations made by ECRI in its fifth- and sixth-cycle country reports since 2012. These recommendations aim to assist the states in designing their integration and inclusion policies and effectively implementing them in order to ensure that migrants can fully contribute to and thrive in the social realities of their host societies.

Strasbourg 13 March 2024
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