ECRI annual seminar with Equality Bodies

Exposing Racism, Intolerance, and Inequalities

Commemorating 30 Years of ECRI

17-18 October 2024

Room G.03 Agora Building, Strasbourg 


Thursday, 17 October 2024 (14:00 – 18:00)


13:30 – 14:00    Welcoming participants and security clearance

14:00 – 14:45   Opening session

Welcome and moderation by Bertil COTTIER, Chair of ECRI

  • Bjørn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe 
  • Theodoros ROUSOPOULOS, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (online presentation)
  • Michael O’FLAHERTY, Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Helena DALLI, European Union (EU) Commissioner for Equality (video message)


14:45 – 16:15   Measuring Milestones: 30 Years of ECRI's Monitoring of Racism and Intolerance in Europe

Introduction by Christian åHlund, former Chair of ECRI, member of ECRI in respect of Sweden from 2005 to 2020

Moderator: Nigel SMITH, Council of Europe


  • Bertil COTTIER, Chair of ECRI
  • Jean-Paul LEHNERS, former Chair of ECRI, member in respect of Luxembourg
  • Nils MUIŽNIEKS, former Chair of ECRI, member in respect of Latvia (2005 - 2012) 
  • Maria Daniella MAROUDA, former Chair of ECRI, member in respect of Greece
  • Ivana JELIĆ, Section President, European Court of Human Rights
  • Aoife NOLAN, President of the European Committee of Social Rights
  • Michal BALCERZAK, Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) 
  • Patrick CHARLIER, Chair of the European Network of Equality Bodies (EQUINET) 

16:15 – 16:45  Break
16:45 – 17:45   ECRI’s Annual Seminars with Equality Bodies: Looking Ahead

Introduction and moderation by Els KEYTSMAN, member of ECRI’s Working Group on relations with civil society and equality bodies and member of ECRI in respect of Belgium

  • Robert RUSTEM, Senior Project and Outreach Officer, ECRI Secretariat


18:30 – 20:30   Cheers to 30 Years: Anniversary Cocktail Celebration – Salon Bleu – Palais de l’Europe

Welcome by Bertil COTTIER, Chair of ECRI, and Johan FRIESTEDT, Executive Secretary of ECRI

  • Introductory remarks by Andrius KRIVAS, Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the Council of Europe, and Patrick ENGELBERG, Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the Council of Europe, on behalf of the current and upcoming Presidencies of the Committee of Ministers
  • Speakers:  Frank ORTON, first Chair of ECRI, member in respect of Sweden from 1994 to 1997, and Isil GACHET, first Executive Secretary of ECRI
  • Interlude musical by FUZ Quartet


Friday, 18 October 2024 (9:00 – 13:00)


9:00 – 10:30   Special session 1: Addressing Racism and Intolerance in Health Care

Moderation: Karin QUADERER, member of ECRI in respect of Liechtenstein 

Setting the scene
  • Tomas De JONG, Representative of the European Public Health Alliance
  • Tamás KÁDÁR, Co-Director - Operations, Policy & Legal, and Daris LEWIS RECIO, Legal and Policy Officer, European Network of Equality Bodies (EQUINET)


Case study
  • Tatiana PUIU, Vice-President of the European Committee of Social Rights, challenges faced by vulnerable and marginalised communities in accessing health care services
  • Equality Body Representatives and/or victim of discrimination (TBC)


New recommendations on countering discrimination in the area of health
  • Stamatia STAVRINAKI, CERD member and Rapporteur for the General Recommendation No. 37 on Racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health


10:30 – 11:00   Break
 11:00 – 12:30   Special session 2: Tackling Structural Discrimination and Institutional Racism  

Moderation: Domenica GHIDEI BIIDU, 1st Vice-Chair of ECRI, member in respect of the Netherlands

Setting the scene
  • Ana Rita ALVES, CeiED - Lusófona University, CES - University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Niall CROWLEY, Independent equality and human rights expert 
  • Neža KOGOVŠEK ŠALAMON, Judge, Constitutional Court, Republic of Slovenia and member of ECRI in respect of Slovenia
  • Nevena PENEVA, Structural and institutional racism: evidence from FRA surveys and research, Anti-Racism and Non-Discrimination Sector, Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit

Case study
  • Social Card Law in Serbia: Jelena SESAR, Amnesty International 


12:30 – 13:00   Council Directive (EU) 2024/1499 on standards for equality bodies

Introduction and moderation by Tena ŠIMONOVIĆ EINWALTER, member of ECRI’s Bureau, member of ECRI in respect of Croatia and Ombudswoman of Croatia (TBC)

  • Annelisa COTONE, Member of the Cabinet of European Union Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, presentation of Council Directive (EU) 2024/1499 of 7 May 2024 on standards for equality bodies