Back Third party organisations are invited to submit additional information to the ECSR on labour rights by 30 June 2022

Third party organisations are invited to submit additional information to the ECSR on labour rights by 30 June 2022

The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) invites trade unions, employers’ organisations, non-governmental organisations, national human rights institutions and national equality bodies to submit comments on national reports under the reporting procedure to the ECSR relating to the provisions belonging to the thematic group 3 on labour rights by 30 June 2022.

Group 3 covers the following articles:

  • the right to just conditions of work (Article 2),
  • the right to a fair remuneration (Article 4),
  • the right to organise (Article 5),
  • the right to bargain collectively (Article 6),
  • the right to information and consultation (Article 21),
  • the right to take part in the determination and improvement of working conditions (Article 22),
  • the right to dignity at work (Article 26),
  • the right of workers’ representatives to protection in the undertaking (Article 28)
  • the right to information and consultation in collective redundancy procedures (Article 29).

When considering whether to submit comments on national reports, organisations must verify which version of the European Social Charter has been ‘ratified’ by the State Party in question and which provision(s) of the Charter the State Party has accepted (see below).

For the third consecutive year, the European Committee of Social Rights, wishing to focus its monitoring and to alleviate the reporting burden on States, invited States Parties to limit their national reports to replies to specific and targeted questions for each of the above-mentioned articles of the Charter, without prejudice to responding to issues still pending from previous reporting cycles. The objective is to render the reporting procedure under the European Social Charter more effective and targeted.

State reports can be found on the European Social Charter web site under country profiles.

Comments on national reports can be submitted to the Secretariat of the European Social Charter by email ( or by mail at the following address:

Department of the European Social Charter
Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law 
Council of Europe 
1 quai Jacoutot, F-67075 
Strasbourg Cedex, France

Strasbourg, France 10/03/2022
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Department of Social Rights

Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Council of Europe
1, quai Jacoutot
F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex

Tél. +33 (0)3 90 21 49 61



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