Back NETLEX conference: 25 years of trade union legal activism in Europe

NETLEX conference: 25 years of trade union legal activism in Europe

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is holding the next NETLEX anniversary conference in Paris (CFDT Headquarters, 4 bd Villette, 75019 Paris) on 2 and 3 December 2021.

Several topics will be discussed during the event such as the ETUC’s legal engagement over the years, the opportunities of enhancing the European and international dimension of trade unions’ legal networking or the role of the Council of Europe and in particular of the European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social Rights in the protection and promotion of trade unions’ rights. Participants will also have the opportunity to hear and debate on human rights protection during the pandemic, on human rights due diligence, on the role of trade unions in the changing world of work, but also on the access for the self-employed to collective bargaining and how to promote collective bargaining through the European Union initiatives on minimum wage and gender pay transparency.

Eliane Chemla, Vice-President of the European Committee of Social Rights and Henrik Kristensen, Deputy Head of the Department of the European Social Charter will take part in the event.

The Conference will be held in a hybrid form. Interpretation in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish will be available in the room. Interpretation will be provided for online participants in English and French only. Online participants will be able to take the floor remotely and be heard in the room.

For further information, please visit the conference web page or contact Thomas Taylor Di Pietro ( or Esyllt Meurig (

  Follow the conference online: 
ID: 885 1345 9174 / Password: 02122021

Paris, France 2-3/12/2021
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