Back Presentation of a book on the Revised European Social Charter, followed by a panel discussion on the future of social rights

Presentation of a book on the Revised European Social Charter, followed by a panel discussion on the future of social rights

The Permanent Representation of Austria to the Council of Europe is organising, in cooperation with the European Social Charter Department, an event to mark the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter on 7 December 2021 (Strasbourg, Palais de l'Europe, Room 1, 17:00-19:00 CEST)

This event will be an opportunity to present the book "The Revised European Social Charter. An article-by-article commentary", authored by Karin Lukas, President of the European Committee of Social Rights, and to discuss the future of social rights with the participation of Karin Lukas, Ambassador Panayiotis Beglitis, Permanent Representative of Greece to the Council of Europe and Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe.

Alexander Wojda, Consul General of Austria and Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the Council of Europe, and Henrik Kristensen, Deputy Executive Secretary of the European Committee of Social Rights, will welcome the participants.


 Video recording of the event

Practical Information
The event will be held in hybrid format, in English. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions and reduced sitting capacity in Palais de l’Europe, online participation is encouraged. The event will be accessible through the BlueJeans platform:

Background information
The European Social Charter is a Council of Europe treaty signed in Turin on 18 October 1961 which safeguards day-to-day freedoms and fundamental rights: decent housing, healthcare, safety at work, education and training, employment, legal and social security, protection against poverty and exclusion, freedom of movement for individuals, non-discrimination and equal pay. The substance of the Charter was up-dated by the Revised European Social Charter of 1996, which entered into force on 1 July 1999.

Strasbourg, France 07/12/2021
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Department of Social Rights

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Council of Europe
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