Back Social rights are Human Rights: The European Social Charter and EU law in the area of social rights for building social justice in Europe

Social rights are Human Rights:  The European Social Charter and EU law in the area of social rights for building social justice in Europe

Today, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Council of Europe and the Social Platform are organising a round table discussion in Brussels to promote a better understanding of the key role played by the European Social Charter in safeguarding and advancing social rights.

This roundtable event explores various aspects of the Conclusions on EU Priorities for Co-operation with the Council of Europe 2023-2024,  which specifically highlight the fundamental role of the European Social Charter in respecting, protecting and fulfilling social rights as human rights. 

Among other speakers, Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Aoife Nolan, President of the European Committee of Social Rights, Laura De Bonfils, Secretary General of the Social Platform, Eamon Gilmore, EU Special Representative for Human Rights and Olivier de Shutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights opened the event.

Also, the event has brought together representatives of governments, civil society and social partners, as well as representatives of the Council of Europe, the Social Platform, the European Commission, the European Trade Union Confederation, etc.

The round table aims to contribute to strengthening dialogue on the key role of social rights, as enshrined in the European Social Charter, in the fight against poverty, social exclusion, and the promotion of a society based on the principles of social justice, equal opportunities, and fair working and living conditions.

 Programme and information

Strasbourg 14/12/2023
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