Back Workshop on preparing alternative reports in Georgia under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter

Workshop on preparing alternative reports in Georgia under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter

In the context of the Council of Europe project "Further Enhancement of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia", online workshops for the staff of the Public Defender's Office of Georgia, the Georgian Trade Union Confederation, the Georgian Employers' Association and relevant civil society organisations on the preparation of alternative/shadow reports under the European Social Charter reporting procedure, were organised on 29 and 30 May.

This year, the European Committee of Social Rights requested an ad hoc report on the cost of living from all States parties to the European Social Charter. The aim of the workshop was therefore to share the procedural aspects and best practice of alternative/shadow reporting under the European Social Charter, together with a detailed analysis of the specificities of the cost of living.

During the meeting, the Council of Europe National Adviser discussed the reporting procedure under the treaty and highlighted the novelties of the recently introduced reform.  The international consultant of the Council of Europe analysed in detail the areas of interest related to the cost of living.

During the discussions, participants stressed the importance of organising activities to help different institutions prepare effective and comprehensive alternative/shadow reports. Participants highlighted additional needs for capacity building activities and identified areas for future cooperation.

The meetings were organised in the framework of the Council of Europe project "Further Enhancement of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia". The project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2024-2027.

Strasbourg 30/05/2024
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