Processed complaints
The complaint was registered on 30 April 2018. It relates to Articles 12§2, 12§3 (right to social security) and 23 (right of elderly persons to social protection) of the Revised European Social Charter. PAP-OTE maintains that Greece, in spite of the Committee’s case-law and the national case-law, which had declared the legislation aimed at reducing pensions against the Constitution and the Charter, has not addressed the situation.
Case-document no. 1, Complaint registered on 30 April 2018 (Original in Greek)
Case-document no. 2, Observations by the Government on admissibility
Case-document no. 3, Response from PAP-OTE to the Government's observations on admissibility
Case-document no. 4, Submissions by the Government on the merits
Case-document no. 5, Response from PAP-OTE to the Government's submissions on the merits (original in Greek)
Case-document no. 6, Further response from the Government
Case-document no. 7, Additional information from PAP-OTE
Case-document no. 8, Additional information from the Government
The European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible on 6 December 2018.
Decision on admissibility of the Complaint No. 165/2018
Department of Social Rights
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Council of Europe
1, quai Jacoutot
F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél. +33 (0)3 90 21 49 61