The Turin process at a glance

The Turin process aims at strengthening the treaty system of the European Social Charter within the Council of Europe and in its relationship with the law of the European Union. Based on the principles of indivisibility, interdependence and interrelation of fundamental rights, formally established by the United Nations, its purpose is to improve the implementation of social and economic rights at the continental level, in parallel to civil and political rights granted by the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Turin process promotes the idea that upholding social rights in Europe is an essential contribution to the principles of the Rule of Law, Democracy and Human Rights, promoted by the Council of Europe. In this light, one of its objectives is the ratification of the European Social Charter (revised) and acceptance of the additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints by all Council of Europe member States.

The Turin process represents a vital step towards a fresh restart for the whole process of uniting Europe, to be based on the fundamental values around which its task is to bring States and their citizens together, and especially on the values of the European Social Charter, recognised in the framework of the process as Europe’s social constitution.

The Turin process was launched by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe at the High-level Conference on the European Social Charter. This Conference was organised in Turin on 17 and 18 October 2014 by the Council of Europe, the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the City of Turin. It was launched soon after the Secretary General’s decision to put the European Social Charter at the top of his priorities, and this, with a view to increasing the relevance and impact of the work of the Council of Europe. During 2015, the achievement of the objectives of the Turin process was discussed at the Conference on the future of the protection of social Rights in Europe, organised in Brussels on 12-13 February by the Belgian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe. Two other high-level meetings marked the Turin process in 2016: the Interparliamentary Conference on the European Social Charter and the Turin Forum on Social Rights in Europe. These events, held in Turin on 17 and 18 March, were organised by the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the City of Turin. At the Forum, the European Commission presented its draft European Pillar on Social Rights.

Reference documents of the Turin process

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Expert seminar
Reinforcing social rights protection in Europe: to achieve greater unity and equality

The Department of the European Social Charter organised, under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, an expert seminar to discuss the protection of social rights in Europe so as to achieve greater unity and equality. The seminar also followed up on the Committee of Ministers declaration at its Helsinki session in May 2019. At that session, the Committee of Ministers invited all the member States concerned to consider signing and ratifying the revised European Social Charter and its Additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints, as a starting point for a resolutely proactive and collective drive to combat inequalities and achieve greater social justice.

The European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social rights guarantee key principles such as free movement of persons, non-discrimination, legal and social security, protection against poverty and exclusion, access to decent housing, health, education and training, as well as employment, safety at work and equality at the workplace, including equal pay.

Participants were welcomed by Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Mattéi, Ambassador of France to the Council of Europe, and Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe. An introduction on strengthening social rights to ensure social justice, national cohesion and the rule of law was pronounced by José Fernandez-Albertos, Researcher at Institute for Policies and Public Goods, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

The seminar was organised in liaison with the “Institut de recherche Carré de Malberg”, University of Strasbourg.

Strasbourg, France 19/09/2019
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