In May 2024, at the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the EYF launched a social media campaign, “Youth sparks change”, that will feature in the next months of 2024 several stories of young people and youth organisations involved in EYF supported projects.

Join the EYF Facebook account to follow the campaign “Youth sparks change”.

In May 2024, at the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the EYF launched a social media campaign, “Youth sparks change”, that will feature in the next months of 2024 several stories of young people and youth organisations involved in EYF supported projects.

Join the EYF Facebook account to follow the campaign “Youth sparks change”.


In May 2024, at the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the EYF launched a social media campaign, “Youth sparks change”, that will feature in the next months of 2024 several stories of young people and youth organisations involved in EYF supported projects.

Join the EYF Facebook account to follow the campaign “Youth sparks change”.


Youth Sparks Change #1

The Cyprus Friendship Programme Troodos Summer Peace Camp 2023 was a transformative experience where participants from both communities came together to learn about peace, human rights, and the shared history of Cyprus. They forged lifelong friendships, challenged stereotypes, and gained new perspectives on their culture and history. Through engaging workshops and emotional moments, they became more open-minded and committed to being active peace-builders in their society.


Youth Sparks Change #2

The project "Revitalising Italian Democracy: from Fantapolitics to Fantareality" aimed to empower young people to drive political change in their local councils. By introducing democratic methods and innovative policies on tackling climate change and social inequalities, the project worked to restore trust between young people and institutions. Key activities included online capacity-building workshops for 15 young candidates, a three-day networking event with elected local representatives and diverse participants, and targeted lobbying actions in 15 locations.


Youth Sparks Change #3 

The "Power of Human Rights Education" initiative fostered activism and awareness surrounding human rights issues through non-formal educational methods. With 21 participants from 16 European countries, the project served as a dynamic platform for collaboration and learning. The project convened key stakeholders, including representatives from the United Nations Office of Human Rights and the NGO Working Group on Human Rights Education & Learning. Together, the participants and stakeholders engaged in discussions and strategic planning sessions aimed at advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and nurturing an environment for human rights advocacy.

In partnership with the European Youth Foundation, the project was part of the Youth Campaign "Democracy Here Now" led by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. Through this collective effort, the initiative not only empowered participants with knowledge and skills, but also catalysed tangible actions toward promoting human rights awareness and activism across Europe.

Project organised by World Organization of the Scout Movement - WOSM


Youth Sparks Change #4

This project in Ukraine focused on empowering young people, including disabled veterans and internally displaced young people, by fostering entrepreneurship and protecting their work-related rights. Aimed at youth affected by war, the initiative promotes human rights education and the development of their professional skills. The project emphasizes non-formal education on the right to education and work. In this project, young people found new opportunities for their learning and imagining a future where they can develop their full potential.

Project was organised by Radekhiv Center “Youth Initiative”


Youth Sparks Change #5 

The "Romni Si Zor" project addressed the exclusion of Roma women and girls in Greece. Through educational workshops, Roma women networked, interacted, and shared experiences while learning new skills and knowledge. The project culminated in wide dialogue conference with 60 participants, including 50 Roma women and girls from 8 different communities. This was a hugely empowering experience for Roma women. Roma women role models shared their experiences and challenges, inspiring others. The meeting concluded with a consensus on the importance of education for improving Roman women’s lives and communities, and commitments to address prejudice.

Project organised by AID - Alternative Innovative Development 


Youth Sparks Change #6

The Leadership Academy – “Youth Impacts: Taking Action for Inclusive Communities and Civil Society Organisations Working with Refugees" supported 30 youth leaders from civil society organisations to carry out projects with refugees in different European countries. By enhancing social services in 15 youth organisations, the Leadership Academy reached approximately 500 refugees and other young people, promoting inclusion and democratic practices. Sixteen new projects were kicked off by the young people, reaching over 700 beneficiaries, and supporting their social inclusion.

Project organised by YMCA Europe with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #7

The Teenage Club "Girls* Can!" in Ukraine provided a supportive community for teenagers affected by war, offering a sense of belonging and safety. This club brought together adolescents who had fled their homes, lost friends and faced internal displacement due to conflict. Events at the club created a welcoming environment for queer, internally displaced, and local teens, focusing on feminist values, equality, and human rights. The club promoted leadership and activism among teenagers, encouraging them to initiate their own activist projects. Additionally, it served as a secure space for LGBTQ+ adolescents to connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable knowledge, standing as a beacon of inclusivity and support during challenging times.

Project organised by Феміністична майстерня / Feminist Workshop with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #8

The "Decolonise!" project brought together 10 International Voluntary Service (IVS) organisations in two years and half initiative to understand and address power dynamics and obstacles in organising IVS projects. Recognizing the disparity in volunteer opportunities between the Global North and the Global South, the project aimed to build a more inclusive, diverse, and environmentally sustainable IVS movement. By challenging existing values and structures, the organisations developed innovative proposals that consider local realities, equitable resource distribution, and the climate crisis, and practical tools for a decolonised voluntary service.

Find out more:

Project organised by the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #9

The Theatre for Democracy project marked the first edition of a programme promoting public theatre to support youth democratic participation and human rights. The project trained over 15 young people from the outskirts of Palermo and 5 international youth of Sicilian origin.

The result was "Antigone Democracy Now," a performance addressing the urgent issue of youth drug addiction. The show was presented at Piazza Teatro Massimo, Spasimo di Palermo, in the La Noce and Kalsa neighborhoods, and in Kaffrine, Senegal. Additionally, two participants performed at the European Parliament for the campaign "Watch What You Wear, Consume, or Buy," which raises awareness against forced labour of ordinary citizens.

Project organised by Raizes Teatro with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #10

This project, taking place in Armenia, organised by Yeghvard - Youth Ecological NGO supported the democratic engagement of young people by developing their media literacy and critical thinking skills. The project included a youth camp and regional events, covering topics like democracy, media literacy, and hate speech. Outcomes included three information videos on free speech vs. hate speech and the creation of the educational board game "MediaMaster," designed to engage players aged 13 and older in understanding media literacy and freedom of speech. "MediaMaster" offers an interactive and educational approach to promote media literacy among young people.

Project organised by "Եղվարդ" երիտասարդական-բնապահպանական ՀԿ (Yeghvard Youth Ecological NGO) with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #11

Sports is such an extraordinary tool to engage young people in meaningful activities! The "Human Rights Education through Sport" project organised by ENGSO Youth equipped youth and sports organisations, as well as sports and youth workers, with the skills to promote human rights through sports. Several capacity building activities involved over 100 participants from over 30 countries. Participants created a manual featuring non-formal educational activities that highlight the power of sports in advocating for human rights. The initiative also produced the "1,2 Droit" board game, designed to raise awareness of human rights in an engaging, sporty manner, while encouraging physical activity and socialisation.

Project organised by Engso Youth with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #12

The "Reviving Primeval Rusava" project empowered young people from a rural Ukrainian community to explore and present their local folklore through various media projects. The project promoted Ukrainian culture and the preservation of its heritage and developed youth leadership in local communities. Activities included filming the traditional cooking of "Golubtsi" showcasing local embroidery culture and documenting wintertime customs in the Ukrainian countryside. While doing so, young people also discussed how to improve their local communities and engage in cultural life at local level.

Project organised by Пангея Ультіма / Pangeya Ultima with the support of the European Youth Foundation. 


Youth Sparks Change #13

The "Gender in the Spotlight" project raised awareness about gender discrimination and violence, ensuring a secure and inclusive environment for young people and volunteers. The project included three main activities: a gender equality capacity building activites, strategy development processes, and activities for volunteers and young people. The training build the skills of 20 Erasmus Student Network Italy volunteers on gender-related topics and included several other relevant NGO inputs. The trained volunteers developed a strategy and implemented follow-up local initiatives to promote gender equality within the Erasmus student network.

Project organised by Erasmus Student Network Italy - ESN Italia with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #14

The "ArtVocacy - The Absolute Right to Life" project in northern Albania focused on young people from rural areas in Shkodra, a region affected by the blood-feud phenomenon. Thirty young people were trained in human rights, tolerance, and intercultural dialogue, and participated in awareness campaigns against blood feuds. They also did a mural painting at the local school and engaged in mixed-gender football sessions. Through these activities, they conveyed messages of peace, education, freedom, and equality, advocating for human rights within their community.

Project organised by YMCA Albania with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #15

The "Europe on Track" project, organised annually by AEGEE (Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l’Europe), engages young volunteers in raising awareness, creates discussion spaces, and captures youth opinions on significant social issues. This edition focused on educating young people about the impact of gender-based discrimination in their communities and equipping them with skills to foster safer social environments. Young people conducted workshops and interactive sessions across various European cities, actively engaging with young people to promote gender equality.

Project organised by AEGEE / European Students' Forum Europe on Track with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #16

The REVIVE international training was part of the project "Revitalising Voices of Youth in Europe" of the Young European Federalists – JEF. The project aimed to enhance youth civic spaces across Europe and included a European seminar in Budapest and regional seminars in Lublin and Bucharest, focusing on Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Participants gained skills in campaign creation, organising public gatherings and understanding civil society. Throughout the year, local actions and a final conference in Brussels furthered the project goals, and allowed for sharing best practices and outcomes.

Project organised by Young European Federalists [JEF] with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #17

The Libero Citizens' Association in Serbia initiated the development of the "EduMikser" online platform to support teachers, students, and informal educators with free interactive trainings tailored to their needs. The COVID-19 pandemic shift to online education posed numerous challenges, prompting the creation of EduMikser to enhance the interactivity, engagement, and quality of online learning. The project aimed to equip all involved in online education with essential digital tools, methodologies, and knowledge, making the virtual education experience more effective and enriching.

Project organised by with the support of the European Youth Foundation


Youth Sparks Change #18

The "Moving Democracy Online" project created a space for dialogue between young people and representatives of The Hague (Netherladns) politics, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Participants learned about democratic processes and met different actors of political life. The project produced a guide on improving online dialogue between young people and policymakers.

Project organised by NetherlandsRomania with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #19

In response to gender imbalances in the youth and music sector, JMI launched the “Play it Loud! Crescendo” project to promote gender mainstreaming, diversity, and inclusion. The project aimed to empower underrepresented young musicians, especially women, trans, and non-binary individuals, by providing practical opportunities to engage, build skills, and advocate for gender equality. The initiative included piloting a Young Ambassadors Programme, where participants designed awareness events with the support of JMI and its partners, fostering a more inclusive youth and music ecosystem and contributing to systemic change from the grassroots level.

Project organised by JM International with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #20

IGLYO and ŠKUC Magnus organised the “Combating hate speech and hate crimes committed against LGBTQI young people” programme in Ljubljana, Slovenia, gathering 20 young queer activists to address the rising hate speech and hate crimes against LGBTQI+ youth in Europe. This event featured sessions, discussions, and workshops focused on knowledge-building and strategies for combating bias-motivated hate crimes. Each day concluded with reflection sessions led by IGLYO experts. The event also explored the LGBTQI movement's history in Slovenia. As a result, IGLYO will develop policy guidelines in 2024 to help prevent and address hate against LGBTQI young people.

Project organised by IGLYO with the support of the European Youth Foundation. 


Youth Sparks Change #21

The "Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe" (SAME) held a seminar in Lübeck, Germany, to empower youth organisations across 11 countries to organise Solidarity Action Days (SADs), where young people work for a day and donate their earnings to support youth projects worldwide. SAME's mission is to encourage active citizenship and solidarity among young people by highlighting global challenges and fostering intercultural understanding. The network continues to expand the concept of SAD across Europe, with around 300,000 young participants involved annually, reflecting its impact in promoting youth-led development and human rights.

Project organised by Samenetwork with the support of the European Youth Foundation. 


Youth Sparks Change #22

The "Bookmobile: Ukrainian Tales on Wheels" project is a mobile library that travels across refugee camps in the Tuscany region of Italy, bringing Ukrainian books to young refugees. This initiative provides access to literature and organises events, workshops, and training sessions to help preserve Ukrainian culture, enhance language skills, and support the psychological well-being of displaced youth. Through these activities, the project aims to maintain cultural connections and foster resilience among young Ukrainian refugees during their time in Italy.

Project organised by Velodacha with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #23

In Klina, Kosovo*, the "Youth Preventing Domestic Violence" project was initiated to address the pressing issue of domestic violence in the community. Led by professional youth workers and trainers, the project involved 25 young participants from local villages in an 8-week training course. Activities included small group discussions, role-playing, and interactive lessons to help youth understand the impact of violence and promote positive change. The initiative aimed to empower youth to influence society against domestic violence, fostering an open environment for dialogue and socialization while building skills for non-violent conflict resolution.

All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Project organised by Qendra Rinore Ardhmeria Klinë with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #24

The Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina organised the Youth Policy Academy in Ključ, where 40 young participants learned about Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political system, youth policies, local governance, public policy, and advocacy. The Academy aimed to empower young people to find creative solutions to community problems and engage in local initiatives. Through practical activities like simulations and community mapping, participants gained skills and confidence to advocate for change, with financial and mentoring support for their projects in the coming months.

Project organised by Vijeće mladih Federacije BiH with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


Youth Sparks Change #25

The "Youth Takes the Floor" project was an international training course organised by the DYPALL Network in Braga, aimed at increasing youth participation in local decision-making processes. Seventeen participants from 10 countries came together to discuss successful strategies for youth engagement in their communities. The training included simulations exploring different models of participation, such as co-management, youth committees, and consultation processes, allowing participants to reflect on the most effective ways to involve young people in decision-making.

Project organised by DYPALL Network with the support of the European Youth Foundation.