Back EYF visit to a youth project on social oppression in Greece

EYF visit to a youth project on social oppression in Greece

On 7 and 8 March 2023, the EYF visited the project “Greece 2022: Atlas of Social Oppression”, organised by Youth Empowerment Center, a youth organisation based in Greece. The project is supported by the EYF through its pilot activity grants. 

Twenty young people gathered in Thessaloniki for six days to discuss about forms of social oppression and what can be done to fight them. Through interactive learning, they discussed about discrimination also in the context of migration and social inclusion of Roma people in Greece. The visit was an opportunity for the EYF to raise awareness about the Council of Europe and its youth sector.

Participants shared their thoughts about the project: 

Chara: I am very glad to be part of this project because it enriches my knowledge about social oppression. Knowing this will ensure that I am not part of the problem, because, when I understand what it is, I am not making it worse. I also learnt know how to teach other people about it: because this knowledge does not have to stop here, but it has to get out, so that other people who were not part of this project can understand. I am a student in mid-wafery and this topic is relevant to me in relation to my job, because there are many women that get a lot of pression on the way they will give birth, so social oppression is connected to my job. 

Chris: I am a student of international relations. This project gives me the opportunity to be more engaged in a topic in which I am personally invested: social oppression is an important topic because I have experienced it, in form of social exclusion when I was younger. And I wanted to get more educated in this topic, to exchange with other young people, to construct my own opinion in a better and more organised way. This kind of projects is important because it initiates this process of constructing and organising our thoughts on topics that we may vaguely know, but we have not thought about them in an organised way. It is also an opportunity to me to get more engaged with international institutions.

Helia: I am glad to be part of this nice and well structure meeting which makes us think more and develop some competences which may lead to a better way of thinking and a better way of taking action, for a better world. This kind of projects is important because in schools we do not learn all that is relevant for our daily life. So with this kind of activities we get a better insights of this kind of problems and learn about social issues and human values.

Strasbourg, France 10 March 2023
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