Why do we have to report?
The European Youth Foundation's budget is made up of public money – each Council of Europe member state contributes. Transparency and accountability are essential to our way of working and we expect youth NGOs to understand and respect this.
When should we report?
The deadline for providing the report is given in the contract (Grant Acceptance Form) you sign and send back to the EYF, i.e. two months after the end of your project. Please read the contract carefully.
You will receive an automatic reminder in the online system, giving you an additional month to send the report.
If you cannot respect the deadline, please contact the EYF via the online system, using the Comments page of the grant application.
Where can we find the report form?
The report form is linked to the grant application. When the first payment has been done (status: Payment in progress), you will be able to create the report form.
Log on to the online system and open the “Report” menu. Click on the “Create” button and the report form will open. You should fill in the form following the help buttons and guidelines. When you “save” at the bottom of the page, the report form will have the status “Report saved” and you can come back to it in the menu “Reports in progress”.
Please read the Instructions for financial management and reporting before submitting your report.
The EYF is accountable to the member states of the Council of Europe on how its money is spent. In case of doubt about a financial report, the EYF may request the original documents and consult the relevant national authorities to confirm the authenticity of the documents received.
How to report on an international or a pilot activity?
Before preparing your report, please read carefully the contract you have signed and consult all the documentation available on the Forms and guidelines page. There are guidelines on how to fill in the report form and how to present the financial report.
Please note that your report will be sent back if it does not correspond to these guidelines (for example, all copies of bills must be signed and certified for a pilot activity).
The Council of Europe logo and the EYF visual identity must appear on all material produced with this grant (see link), together with a mention of the financial support received from the European Youth Foundation.
For an international activity or a pilot activity, you are expected to:
- fill in the online activity report (see Word versions of the reports on the Forms and guidelines page)
- send by land post a clear and transparent financial report, using the Excel table created by the EYF and following the Instructions for financial reporting, together with the signed list of participants and copies of any material produced, photos, videos (available on Forms and guidelines page).
How to report on an annual work plan?
The reporting for work plans is split in two parts. An interim report is requested (date is mentioned in the contract), which concerns the activity report only. You are asked to give an update on the state of play, the possible changes and the objectives achieved so far. No invoices are requested, however you are asked to indicate the final cost of the activities having taken place so far (as realistic as possible). The final report is expected 2 months after the final activity of the work plan.
Interim report
- The date of the interim report is indicated in the contract you signed as well as the conditions and recommendations made by the Programming Committee on youth.
- This report is meant to evaluate how the first part of the work plan went. You should explain, about each activity:
- Which objectives were reached?
- How were these objectives reached? Were there changes/unforeseen events in the progress or organisation of the activity?
- If some objectives were not reached, why?
- Based on this, are there modifications to be made on the future activities?
- This is mainly a report about content, as the financial report will be asked for at the end of the work plan. You only need to indicate if:
- The cost of an activity has changed
- An activity has been cancelled
- Please provide an updated/final programme of activities implemented and a signed list of participants.
- You are not expected to provide a full financial report but for each activity, indicate the real total cost (this can be adjusted if necessary in the final report).
Final report
- Two months after the end of the last activity of the WP, you will have to complete a detailed financial report of all the activities (including those you reported in the interim report). We recommend you use the EYF guidelines and forms.
- You will also have to give feedback about the content of the work plan. This should include:
- An overall reflection and evaluation about the work plan as a whole. The aim is to have a critical overview. Here are examples of the questions you should ask yourself:
- Did all the activities put together reach the global objective of the WP?
- Did you encounter problems?
- A report explaining how the second part of activities went:
- Which specific objectives were reached by each activity?
- How were these objectives reached? Were there changes/unforeseen events in the progress or organisation of the second half of activities?
- What was not achieved and why?
- An overall reflection and evaluation about the work plan as a whole. The aim is to have a critical overview. Here are examples of the questions you should ask yourself:
A Word version of the report form is available on the Forms and guidelines page.
How to report on a two-year structural grant?
The grant was awarded in principle for two years. At the end of the first year, an activity report is requested, together with estimated figures for the budget.
At the end of the second year, a more detailed report is required, as well as certified/audited accounts for the two years. Your organisation’s annual accounts for the two years concerned signed by the legal representative and validated by external auditors must be sent to the EYF within six months following the end of the two-year period.
A Word version of the report form is available on the Forms and guidelines page.
Where do we send the report?
The online report form must be completed in the online system. When you have saved the report and attached all the necessary documentation, submit the report on the Validation page.
The financial report with all the proofs of expenditure and income, must be sent by land post to:
European Youth Foundation
30 rue Pierre de Coubertin
F-67000 Strasbourg-Wacken
Please read carefully the Instructions for financial management and reporting before sending the report. We will inform you when it arrives.
How is the report assessed?
The online activity report will be assessed by the EYF Secretariat, in particular in relation to the grant application, any conditions linked to the grant and the online communication during the preparation and implementation phases.
The financial report will be checked once all the necessary documentation justifying the expenditure and income has been received by post. You will be informed via the online system when we receive your financial report.
You will be contacted through the online system if we need any clarification or additional information concerning your report.
The EYF is accountable to the member states of the Council of Europe on how its money is spent. In case of doubt about a financial report, the EYF may request the original documents and consult the relevant national authorities to confirm the authenticity of the documents received.
When we will get the final instalment of the grant?
When all the information has been provided and the EYF is satisfied that the grant has been spent according to the conditions of the Grant Acceptance Form, the final instalment will be paid.
The final grant will be paid according to the rules depending on the type of grant.
Example: the EYF grant cannot cover more than two-thirds of the total cost of an international activity. The draft budget foreseen for your activity was €15 000 and the grant awarded was €10 000. However, the final budget was reduced to €13 000, because you had fewer participants and the costs for accommodation were lower. As you received a first instalment of €8 000 (80% of the grant awarded), a final payment of €666 will be paid, i.e. the final grant represents two-thirds of the final real cost of the activity.
The EYF is accountable to the member states of the Council of Europe on how its money is spent. In case of doubt about a financial report, the EYF may request the original documents and consult the relevant national authorities to confirm the authenticity of the documents received.