Frequently asked questions concerning just satisfaction

In general terms, it should be noted that the payment of the sums awarded by the European Court of Human Rights in respect of just satisfaction, together with possible default interest, forms part of the execution of the Court’s final judgments and decisions. Payment is supervised by the Committee of Ministers.

The amount of compensation awarded, the currency, the beneficiary, the deadline for and the destination of payment, as well as the rate of default interest are determined in the judgment or decision delivered by the Court.

The terms of payment cannot be modified unilaterally and are binding on the State without exception. However, in very specific situations, terms of payment differing from those provided for in the judgment have been accepted, so long as the parties have agreed to it (for example, a different payement destination or currency).

For any question or problem concerning the payment of just satisfaction awarded by the European Court of Human Rights or of default interest, where applicable, please contact the Department for the Execution of Judgments by fax (+33 (0)3 88 41 27 93), post (Council of Europe, Department for the Execution of Judgments, F-67075 STRASBOURG CEDEX) or e-mail (

Procedure to be followed for obtaining payment of the just satisfaction awarded by the European Court of Human Rights

The amount of just satisfaction awarded by the European Court of Human Rights has not been paid in full