Back Research on improving press freedom and safety of journalists

A research commissioned by the ministry of Justice and Safety in 2023 pointed out that violence and aggression against journalists has a diffuse nature and takes place in the different manifestations. A broad, sustainable and joint approach is necessary, according to the researchers. The State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science and the Minister of Justice and Security stated in a letter send to parliament in May 2023 that there is no quick fix for better guaranteeing the freedom and safety of journalists. It is necessary to stand up for press freedom and press safety and to investigate problems and work on solutions in collaboration with the journalistic sector. They presented four lines of action which will also form the base of the Dutch actions under the Campaign Journalists Matter.

The measures and actions regarding press freedom and press safety are based on a broad approach. Independent investigations, advice and input from stakeholders from the media sector and civil society, including human rights organizations, are important and are an indispensable input for defining the necessary measures.

The four lines of action:

  1. Structural support of the government to PersVeilig
  2. Strengthening citizens awareness of the important role of journalism.
  3. Special attention for online intimidation
  4. Research and monitoring

1.    Structural support of the government to PersVeilig
The government continues to support PersVeilig.  The current budget for PersVeilig and the Flexible Protection Package for Freelancers will be made structurally available. Furthermore, the aim is to set up a structural organisation in 2025 with continued government support.
How exactly the organisation and joint financing should be designed will be determined on the basis of an evaluation and discussions with the sector. This evaluation focuses on the effectiveness and design of the PersVeilig project, the PersVeilig protocol, the Flexible Protection Package for Freelancers and the Press Freedom Desk.

2.   Strengthening citizens awareness of the important role of journalism
At the request of the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science, the Dutch Media Literacy Network has drawn up a plan to make people more aware of the role of free journalism in society: ‘DichterBijNieuws’ (CloserToTheNews). The program consists of a number of actions aimed at young people and adults.
An educational program is being developed for the target group of young people. An awareness and activation program is being developed for the target group of adults. A sustainable dialogue is being established within the media landscape. Within the existing structures, for example through education or libraries, the aim is to achieve as much impact as possible. The plan started at the beginning of this 2023 and will run until the end of 2024. The findings of PersVeilig's research into women journalists and the recent WODC research have provided a better picture of the problem of online harassment of journalists.

3.    Special attention for online intimidation
The findings of PersVeilig's research into women journalists and the WODC research (earlier mentioned, commissioned by the ministry of Justice and Sefety) have provided a better picture of the problem of online harassment of journalists.
The seriousness of this problem is recognized by the cabinet and by all parties within the sector. While reports of physical violence during the COVID-19 pandemic increased in 2020 and 2021, they have now declined, the number of reports of online harassment remains high. 
Research by PersVeilig shows that eight in ten (82 percent) women journalists have experienced some form of intimidation, aggression or threat. Nearly a third of women journalists experience this monthly (19 percent) or more often (11 percent). 77 percent of women respondents say the threats negatively affect their work. Online aggression against women journalists is relatively more common compared to the profession as a whole, especially via Twitter.
As a follow-up to the research among women journalists, Persveilig started conversations with this target group about their specific needs concerning training and the role of PersVeilig. Adjustments to the training will be made based on these conversations.

4.    Research and monitoring
Insight into the degree of press freedom and press safety, nationally and internationally, is essential for explaining the Dutch situation and further shaping the approach. In the past years, various parties have conducted research into press freedom and press safety in the Netherlands. These research will be used for the further development of policy and concrete actions. The government will continue commissioning and stimulating new research and monitoring.

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