Back Survey on “valuable practices” for priority areas of implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4

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An implementation strategy of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors is currently under preparation. As part of this effort, a questionnaire was sent to journalists, journalist associations and civil society inviting them to identify the topics/areas of the Recommendation that should be given priority implementation at a first stage. Taking into account both the results of the questionnaire, as well as the priorities set by various bodies/departments of the Council of Europe which work in the area of safety of journalists and the protection of journalism, the implementation strategy of the Recommendation will focus as a first step on selected areas of the protection pillar. 

The next steps will be to request NGOs and journalist associations, on the one hand, and member States of the Council of Europe on the other hand,  to identify valuable practices in the areas which have been rated as deserving priority implementation. NGOs, journalists and journalist associations active in the area of safety of journalists are therefore kindly requested to answer the survey below and indicate in the “Valuable Practices” column of the survey the examples which they deem appropriate for the given measure to avert/remedy the risk with a deadline for input by 30 April 2018. Each example should be accompanied by a description of the features that explain why it functions well and should therefore be regarded as a valuable practice.  

These valuable practices will then be used in the context of an implementation/technical guide to the Recommendation which will, in addition: explain and provide context to the priority areas for implementation of the recommendation; establish indicators against which progress in the implementation of the Recommendation can be assessed; flesh out questions to the authorities on the implementation of the Recommendation; offer suggestions for implementation. The full Implementation Strategy will be made public at a later stage.


 Link to the survey:

 Survey on "valuable practices" for priority areas of implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4

 Please download the survey and send the completed version to:

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