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Cyprus, National chapter

Journalists Matter, Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

The Council of Europe encourages member states to transpose the Campaign to the national context. Without each member’s committed and effective effort at national level, through the development of the so-called ‘national chapter’, the Campaign cannot reach its goals.

In this section, we will present developments in Cyprus:

National Focal Point

Mr Kyriakos KONSTANTA, Press and Information Officers, Ministry of Interior

Mr. Nikolas ZACHARIOU, Press and Information Officer, Ministry of Interior

National Campaign Committee

In Cyprus, consultation with institutions started to identify stakeholders and assess the situation in the country regarding journalists’ safety with the goal, in the first place, to create a working group of relevant stakeholders towards a campaign committee. Discussions included several institutions, both public and non-governmental such as:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Law Commissioner
  • Cyprus Police
  • Ministry of Justice and Public Order
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance
  • Cyprus Radio Television Authority
  • Committee of Media Ethics Cyprus
  • Union of Cyprus Journalists
  • Cyprus Association of Newspaper & Magazine Publishers
  • Cyprus Online Publishers Association

Consultations made it possible to identify, regarding the Campaign’s Pocket Guide guidelines, which of the proposed actions fall within their area of competence. They also provided information on current and in progress mechanisms towards ensuring the safety of journalists.

Safety of Journalists national landscape

Cyprus has, prior to the campaign, several mechanisms in force related to safety of journalists:

  • Protection of Whistleblowers: “The Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of Union and National Law Act 2022
  • Access to Public Information: “The Right of Access to Public Sector Information Law of 2017 (Law 184(I)/2017)
  • Media pluralism:
    • The Cyprus Radio Television Authority has the responsibility of ensuring the journalistic and creative independence of employees in an audiovisual media service provider and preventing interventions and influences in their work.
    • “The Radio and Television Organizations Law of 1998 (7(I)/1998)”: Article 26 regulates the broadcasts of every licensed television or radio organisation so that they comply with the values of pluralism and the greatest possible access of the public, the respect for democracy and human rights. For news bulletins and current affairs programmes, it states that these must be characterised by objectivity and pluralism, especially regarding political issues or any other social issues concerning the public opinion.
    • “Radio and Television Stations Regulations 2000”: Regulation 26(2) states that news bulletins should be prepared and transmitted with accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, multilateralism, and the greatest possible completeness.
  • Transparency: “The Radio and Television Organizations Law of 1998 (7(I)/1998)
    • Article 30 stipulates that audio-visual media service providers must provide transparent information regarding their services and their ownership status, including the beneficial owners.
  • Independent, substantive review of legislative framework:
    • The national legislation, as implemented by the Cyprus Radio Television Authority is harmonised with the European framework - European Directive on Audiovisual Media Services (AVMSD 2018/1808)
  • Protection of journalistic sources: Law 145/1989 on Press, has provisions regarding the rights of journalists not to disclose information identifying their source while ensuring that disclosure may be ordered only by a judge or another competent body, setting out the specific conditions under which the disclosure may be requested.