(Seulement en anglais)

Regional Summer School of Human Rights: Focus on Freedom of Expression

8 to 11 July 2024 Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Freedom of expression is vital for democracy, as well as for the exchange of ideas, transparency, accountability, innovation, and social progress. The Regional Summer School of Human Rights for law students from Western Balkan countries has been organised by the Council of Europe for the past 10...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Empowering Legal Professionals on Freedom of Expression: Advanced Training of Trainers Kicks Off in North Macedonia

3-5 July 2024 Struga, North-Macedonia

Building on the successful co-operation with the training institutions in North Macedonia, the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors and the North Macedonia Bar Association, an advanced training for trainers on freedom of expression, specifically tailored for legal professionals, was...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Enhancing the capacities of legal professionals: keeping track of developments in Freedom of Expression

8-9 July 2024 Brezovica/Brezovicë

Freedom of expression continues to be a vital right protected by legal standards across Europe, necessitating continuous education for those tasked with its protection. A recent capacity-building session provided already certified judges, prosecutors, and lawyers with up-to-date knowledge on the...

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(Seulement en anglais)

An in-depth commentary of the Law on Access to Information in Moldova by the Council of Europe

July 2024 Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe has launched a new practical guide, an in-depth commentary of the new Law on Access to Information of Public Interest of the Republic of Moldova, fully aligned with the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents. The guide empowers citizens to better engage...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Institutions, Academia, Civil Society, and Media Join Forces to Combat Disinformation and Hate Speech Online

2 July 2024 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovin

European standards, including the EU Digital Service Act (DSA), require a multi-stakeholder approach to the protection from harmful content online, involving governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, civil society, academia, and media. At a round table...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Regional Cooperation is a Must: Western Balkan Regulators Discuss Common Approaches to Fighting Disinformation

25-26 June 2024 Budva, Montenegro

Ensuring information pluralism and a healthy media landscape is an increasingly challenging task for media regulators. To encourage regional cooperation among regulatory authorities in the Western Balkans, a peer exchange was organised in Budva, Montenegro on 25-26 June 2024. The event provided a...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Second meeting of National Focal Points under the Council of Europe 'Journalists Matter' Campaign

20-21 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The second meeting on the National Focal Points to the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter took place in Strasbourg on 20-21 June 2024. After a first inaugural meeting National Focal Points under the Journalists Matter Campaign that coincided with the...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Hate Speech: Training for the Prosecutors and Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina

18-19 June 2024 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Addressing hate speech effectively requires targeted training and clear legal standards. To this end, the Council of Europe organised a comprehensive training session for prosecutors and police officers from 13 offices across Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on domestic and European legal...

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Council of Europe at the European Dialogue on Internet Governance 2024 in Vilnius

17-19 June 2024 Vilnius, Lithuania

The Council of Europe will participate in the 2024 edition of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), which brings together representatives of governments, international organisations, business, civil society, academia and the technical community to discuss in internet-related...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Building Capacity in Freedom of Expression Standards for Albanian Courts

14 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

In today's evolving media landscape, it is crucial for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to gain and maintain a n in-depth understanding of their role as regards freedom of expression and of the media. Knowledgeable legal professionals can in turn safeguard this fundamental right, ensuring that...

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Development of the Monitoring and Reporting System on Freedom of Expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina

11-13 June 2024 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Freedom of expression is one of the key pillars of democracy emphasized in the Reykjavik Declaration. The protection of the right of access to information is closely linked to freedom of expression, fostering a pluralistic environment, and safeguarding the rule of law and government’s...

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(anglais seulement)

Protecting journalists and fighting disinformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

11 June 2024 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Enhancing the safety of journalists, combating strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), and supporting co-regulation of harmful content online are among the key priorities for protecting freedom of expression and the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The second Steering Committee...

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(anglais seulement)

Freedom of Expression Summer School

4-6 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression assists the Council of Europe member States and beyond in enhancing their policies, legislation, environments and capacities in freedom of expression, media, and access to information, in line with the European standards. The Division held...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Access to Information in the Digital Age: Supporting Ukraine

3-5 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

The role of media and civil society in promoting access to information, including through digital tools and open data initiatives, protection of citizens' personal data, and cooperation with regulatory authorities for better access to information were among the topics discussed at the 15th...

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Lviv Media Forum: Media Integrity in Times of War

16-18 May 2024 Lviv, Ukraine

The tenth gathering of the Lviv Media Forum 2024 untied journalists, media experts, politicians and public officials, representatives of civil society, international organisations and diplomats from 36 countries convened to discuss pressing global media issues and challenges. This anniversary...

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(anglais seulement)

Strengthening Media Engagement and Freedom of Expression: Albanian Media Magistrates Undergo Intensive Training

28 May 2024 TUSHEMIST, Albania

Albanian prosecutors and judges who serve as media magistrates in their judicial institutions participated in a two-day intensive training aimed at enhancing their understanding of freedom of expression standards and improving their media communication skills. The training spanned various...

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(anglais seulement)

Council of Europe Provides Legal Support for Kosovo*’s Draft Law on the Independent Media Commission (IMC)

24 May 2024 Strasbourg, France

In response to a request from the Committee on Public Administration, Local Governance, Media, and Rural Development, and the Independent Media Commission (IMC), the Council of Europe has provided a Legal Opinion on the Draft Law on the IMC. This initiative reflects Kosovo’s commitment to...

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(anglais seulement)

Digital Companies and the Council of Europe launched in Strasbourg a new cooperation roadmap

21-22 May 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe Digital Partnership established in 2017 includes 27 digital companies and their associations that pledged to cooperate on protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law through a unique public-private initiative. A workshop organised in Strasbourg on 21-22 May 2024...

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(anglais seulement)

Albanian Institutions Approve a New Action Plan to Promote Freedom of Expression and the Media

21 May 2024 Tirana, Albania

On 21 May 2024, the second Steering Committee meeting of the project "Protecting Freedom of Expression and of the Media in Albania" (PRO-FREX-A), implemented by the Council of Europe Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression, was held in Tirana. The meeting brought together key...

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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