This activity explores opinions in the group on common dilemmas relating to sex, sexuality, relationships and violence.

Complexity: Level 2

Time: 60 minutes

Group size: 6 to 30

Download the handout

Download the activity

'Love is about giving freedom and power, not about gaining control or possession.'
Jeffrey Fry


  • To identify and discuss dilemmas related to sex, sexuality and violence that young people face as they enter the adult world
  • To discuss and explore different approaches to dealing with these dilemmas
  • To learn about sexual and reproductive rights within the human rights framework


  • The handout 'Dilemmas' (for reading aloud by the facilitator)
  • A large enclosed working space with four corners or four separate spaces.


Familiarise yourself with the dilemmas and make signs for each corner: A, B, C and Other.


1) Invite participants to stand in the middle of the room and tell them that you will read aloud a number of stories which present dilemmas related to sex, sexuality, violence and relationships. For each dilemma, participants should select one of the possible options (A,B,C, or Other) and take a stand by choosing a corner of the room which corresponds to their preferred response. Indicate the different corners and read out the first dilemma.

2) When everyone has selected a corner and is standing in place, allow participants to discuss their response with others around them. Ask participants from each corner to give a reason for why they are standing there.

3) Repeat the process for each of the dilemmas, or as many as you wish to present. Then move on to the debriefing and evaluation.

Debriefing and evaluation

Begin by asking participants for their impressions of the activity, and then continue the discussion to focus on the dilemmas young people have relating to sexuality, sex, violence and relationships.
Use some of the following questions:

  • How did you feel during the activity? Why?
  • Was there anything surprising in the responses or positions of other participants?
  • Do you consider that these dilemmas are representative of those faced by young people today?
  • How do you think young people make a decision when faced with such a dilemma?
  • When you have a dilemma (large or small), how do you go about resolving it?
  • Where can young people faced with such dilemmas get support from if they need it?
  • Which human rights can you identify which are relevant to human sexuality?
  • What challenges do young people face in exercising their rights related to sexuality? What are some of the challenges related to gender equality?

Tips for the facilitator

You can adapt the dilemmas to suit the group you are working with, by changing the sex, age, sexuality, nationality or other characteristics of the persons described, or by changing the scenarios. Remember that it is not always possible to know ‘who is in the room’ and that you should avoid using the personal stories of participants.

If you have digital projector, it may be helpful to display the options on each dilemma on the screen.

Suggestions for follow-up

Explore the activity ‘Look who’s coming to dinner!’ in the Education Pack All Different – All Equal, to broaden the perspective of participants on relationship dilemmas, and to explore the effects of other people’s opinions on the relationship choices and self-determination of young people.

Ideas for action

Find out whether any form of support (counselling, anonymous help-line, etc.) exists for dealing with the concerns of young people in your local area. If none exist, consider whether your group could initiate a project to provide relevant peer support services.

Complexity: Level 2 | Time: 60 minutes | Group size: 6 to 30
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